Cecere, CarloCarlo Cecere
Italie Italie
(1706 - 1761)
2 partitions
2 MP3 - 15 MIDI
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Partitions Violon Quatuor à cordes Carlo Cecere
Cecere, Carlo: Concerto in A Major for String Quartet

Concerto in A Major for String Quartet
Gimo 60
Carlo Cecere

Quatuor à cordes
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VoirTélécharger PDF : Concerto in A Major (Gimo 60) for String Quartet (29 pages - 771.93 Ko)14x
VoirTélécharger PDF : Violoncelle (88.11 Ko)
VoirTélécharger PDF : Alto (128.44 Ko)
VoirTélécharger PDF : Violon 2 (133.72 Ko)
VoirTélécharger PDF : Violon 1 (177.59 Ko)
VoirTélécharger PDF : Conducteur complet (441.77 Ko)
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Télécharger MP3 : Concerto in A Major (Gimo 60) for String Quartet 1x 25x
Concerto in A Major for String Quartet
Télécharger MP3 (8.06 Mo) : Interprétation (par MAGATAGAN, MICHAEL)2x 2x

Carlo Cecere
Carlo Cecere (1706 - 1761)

Quatuor à cordes



Carlo Cecere
TonalitéLa majeur
Droit d'auteurPublic Domain
Carlo Cecere (1706 – 1761) was an Italian composer of operas, concertos and instrumental duets including, for example, some mandolin duets and a concerto for mandolin. Cecere worked in the transitional period between the Baroque and Classical eras. Surprisingly little is known about his life, given that he lived in the 18th century. It is known that Cecere was born in Grottole (Basilicata) and died in Naples; he is buried in the chapel of the Congregazione dei Musici di S. Maria la Nuova. But ...(+)
Ajoutée par magataganm, 09 Fév 2024
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