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Locke, MatthewMatthew Locke
United Kingdom United Kingdom
(1621 - 1677)
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"My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground" for Woodwind Trio

"My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground" for Woodwind Trio
Matthew Locke

Wind Trio
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Matthew Locke
Matthew Locke (1621 - 1677)

Wind Trio



Matthew Locke
LyricistThomas Moore
CopyrightPublic Domain
Matthew Locke (1621-1677) was born in Exeter England and later trained in the choir of Exeter Cathedral, under Edward Gibbons, the brother of Orlando Gibbons. At the age of eighteen Locke travelled to the Netherlands, possibly converting to Roman Catholicism at the time.

"My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground" was originally written by Locke in 1665. it appearedfor the first time in a book in 1775 when Thomas Moore wrote the lyrics "Believe Me,If All Those Endearing Youg Charmes" to Locke's...
Added by magataganm, 13 Nov 2012


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This sheet music is part of the collection of magataganm :
Flute Arrangements
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