Sonata V for Horn & Harp
Sonata V for Horn & Harp
Opus 2 No 5 W.B 47
Johann Christian Bach
Cor et Harpe

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MP3 : Audio principal (225.37 Ko)109x 570x
Sonata V for Horn & Harp
MP3 (8.97 Mo) : (par Magatagan, Michael)197x 123x
Sonata V for Horn & Harp
MP3 (8.97 Mo) : (par Magatagan, Michael)146x 93x
Vidéo :
Johann Christian Bach
Bach, Johann Christian (1743 - 1814)

Cor et Harpe

Partition centrale Trios pour clavier (15 partitions)


Johann Christian Bach
Droit d'auteur Public Domain
Ajoutée par magataganm, 17 Janv 2014
Johann Christian Bach (1735 -- 1782) was a composer of the Classical era, the eleventh child and youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach. He is sometimes referred to as "the London Bach" or "the English Bach", due to his time spent living in the British capital, where he came to be known as John Bach. He is noted for influencing the concerto style of Mozart.

Johann Christian Bach was born to Johann Sebastian and Anna Magdalena Bach in Leipzig, Germany. His distinguished father was alread...
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