"El Cóndor Pasa" is a musical piece from the Zarzuela
(Spanish Opera) of the same name. The music was written
by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles in 1913.
It is inspired by Andean folk tunes, and in English the
title means "The Condor Passes". The production was
first peformed publicly at the Teatro Mazzi in Lima.
Peru declared the song a part of national heritage in
2004. The song is perhaps the best-known Peruvian song
worldwide, this after the popular duo Simon & Garfunkel
"El Cóndor Pasa" is a musical piece from the Zarzuela
(Spanish Opera) of the same name. The music was written
by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles in 1913.
It is inspired by Andean folk tunes, and in English the
title means "The Condor Passes". The production was
first peformed publicly at the Teatro Mazzi in Lima.
Peru declared the song a part of national heritage in
2004. The song is perhaps the best-known Peruvian song
worldwide, this after the popular duo Simon & Garfunkel
covered the song in their "Bridge over Troubled Water"