Dreyer, Johann MelchiorJohann Melchior Dreyer
3 partitions
8 MP3
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Partitions Basson Basson, Piano Johann Melchior Dreyer
Dreyer, Johann Melchior:

"Lauda Sion" for Bassoon & Piano
Johann Melchior Dreyer

Basson, Piano
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VoirTélécharger PDF : "Lauda Sion" for Bassoon & Piano (5 pages - 150.38 Ko)389x
VoirTélécharger PDF : Basson (Partie séparée) (93.86 Ko)
VoirTélécharger PDF : Piano (Partie séparée) (133.84 Ko)
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Télécharger MP3 : Audio principal (7 Mo)113x 522x
Lauda Sion for Bassoon & Piano
Télécharger MP3 (5.04 Mo) : (par Magatagan, Michael)156x 140x
Lauda Sion for Bassoon & Piano
Télécharger MP3 (5.55 Mo) : (par Magatagan, Michael)212x 121x
Johann Melchior Dreyer
Johann Melchior Dreyer

Basson, Piano



Johann Melchior Dreyer
Droit d'auteurPublic Domain
Johann Melchior Dreyer (1746-1824) was a German composer and Organist born in Roettingen (Wuerttemberg). He was a celebrated church composer whos compositions for Organ all dated to 1790. Dreyer was an organist at the imperial church in Ellwangen who also was the first Kappellmeister as well as composer and teacher. Most of Dreyer's compositions were instrumental and vocal, symphonic and organized but simplistic.

Although this piece was originally composed for voice (Bass) and Organ, I...
Ajoutée par magataganm, 11 Oct 2013
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Cette partition est associée à la collection de magataganm :
des arrangements pour piano
Liste des partitions :
› Étude in Gb Major for Piano
› "2 Ave Regina" for Trumpet, Horn & Piano - Trompette et Piano
› "2 Christmas Songs" for Piano - Piano seul
› "Agitation" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Piano
› "Agnus Dei" from the Requiem in C Minor (Mvt. 7) for Piano Duet
› "Alla Fuga" from "12 pieces pour Orgue" for Piano
› "Allegra" for Bassoon & Piano - Basson, Piano
› "Andante Grazioso" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Piano
› "Après un Rêve" for Viola & Piano
› "Asturias (Leyenda)" from the Suite "Española" for Piano