ADAGIO per Oboe o Violino o Tromba e Organo Obbligato
ADAGIO per Oboe o Violino o Tromba e Organo Obbligato
dal Concerto in re minore Op. 9 n.2
Tomaso Albinoni
Orgue et Instrument

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MP3 (277.79 Ko)6 146x 9 213x
Tomaso Albinoni
Albinoni, Tomaso (1671 - 1751)

Orgue et Instrument

Partition centrale Adagio en Sol mineur (Remo Giazotto compositeur officiel) (110 partitions)


Tomaso Albinoni
Droit d'auteur Copyright © Machella Maurizio
Ajoutée par giordaniello, 15 Janv 2009
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Commentaires (6)

Tomaso Albinoni
Publié le 30 Janv 2015 à 01:08 par goartsch
Thanks a lot for this nice piece
Publié le 23 Avr 2012 à 00:00
Excellent performance including the embellishment improvisations by the oboist. I've heard all sorts of arrangements of this piece and I have to say that this rendition is especially nice.
Publié le 25 Janv 2011 à 00:00
I don't know much about playing, but this is exactly what I'm looking for for my forthcoming wedding! Many thanks :)
Publié le 24 Aoû 2009 à 00:00
Very useful resource. As an organist I receive sometimes unusual requests to play at weddings, funerals etc. Thanks, and keep up the good work
Publié le 07 Aoû 2009 à 00:00
I just LOVE these three oboe concertos . .not only the music which is sublime, but the way the pieces are played here. To expand a previous comment, I prefer to hear an ensemble that sounds like real people playing real instruments and not the&65279; "perfect pitch" stuff that could as well be computer generated.
Thanks for posting them Tim. I really admire your performance and the obvious enthusiasm of the orchestra backing you up.
Publié le 30 Jui 2009 à 00:00
good good very good excellent very very very good good better best not bad OK