Albinoni, Tomaso: Adagio d
Adagio d'Albinoni
Tomaso Albinoni
Flûte à bec Alto

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Commentaires (2)

Tomaso Albinoni
Publié le 13 Oct 2022 à 03:48 par jennyaag
May I ask a question please. It says Free Sheet Music but then one sees costs etc. I live in a Rest Home/Hospital Facility in Dunedin, NZ and just wish to download some recorder music to play for my own personal use. I used to play the flute but am no longer able to do this. However I have a tenor, alto, soprano & sopranino recorders and would like to download free (as I am on a small pocket money allowance only) sheets on to my laptop or tablet tp play in my room. Every site I go to that says 'free' then has costs involved and I'm not sure about how I work out if i the music is ok to download in NZ re copyright as I don't want to infringe any copyright laws. Please explain for me. Thank you.
free-scores-admin, 13 Oct 2022 à 09:15
No Cost for this sheet music. Just click on download the PDF. Regards