Concerto in D Major for Piano & Strings
Concerto in D Major for Piano & Strings
BWV 1054
Johann Sebastian Bach

Piano, small string orchestra (or quartet)

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MP3 : Concerto in D Major (BWV 1054) for Piano & Strings (15.26 Mo)50x 560x
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750)

Piano, small string orchestra (or quartet)

Sheet central Concerto pour clavecin No.3 en Ré majeur, BWV 1054 (9 sheet music)


Key :D major
Copyright Public Domain
Added by magataganm, 28 Sep 2017
Johann Sebastian Bach's Harpsichord Concerto No. 3 in D major, BWV 1054, is an adaptation of his own Violin Concerto in E major, BWV 1042. He made it sometime during the 1730s for performance by the Leipzig Collegium Musicum -- a large ensemble made up of the city's music enthusiasts that played in taverns and coffee shops a few times a week. Bach had been director since 1729. Most, if not all, of Bach's harpsichord concertos are transcriptions of concertos for other instruments, but only in a f...(+)
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