Composed by J. Michael Case, Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens, Jakob Quadflieg, Josef H...(+)
Composed by J. Michael Case,
Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens,
Jakob Quadflieg, Josef Hector
Fiocco, William Herschel,
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-
1750), Cesar Auguste Franck
(1822-1890), Charles Marie
Widor (1844-1937), Josef
Gabriel Rheinberger, and
Gerald Near (1942-). Organ
Dedication, Wedding.
MorningStar Music Publishers
#10-187. Published by
MorningStar Music Publishers
22 Organ Pieces from the 19th and 20th Century. By Various. Arranged by Barbara ...(+)
22 Organ Pieces from the 19th and 20th Century. By Various. Arranged by Barbara Heller, Lucia Schnellbacher. Schott. Size 9x12 inches. 150 pages. Published by Schott.
Composed by Douglas E. Wagner. For organ: 3-staff. Sacred, Festival Sundays, Gen...(+)
Composed by Douglas E. Wagner. For organ: 3-staff. Sacred, Festival Sundays, General. Intermediate. Sacred Music Press #70/1952L. Published by Sacred Music Press
Composed by Jason D. Payne. For organ: 3-staff. Sacred. Moderately advanced. Lor...(+)
Composed by Jason D. Payne. For organ: 3-staff. Sacred. Moderately advanced. Lorenz Publishing Company #70/1928L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company
By Charles E. Callahan, Jr. For Organ, Piano, or Keyboard. Communion. Level: Eas...(+)
By Charles E. Callahan, Jr. For Organ, Piano, or Keyboard. Communion. Level: Easy to Moderately Easy. Collection. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers.
(29 original pieces on hymns for Easter and Ascension). Edited by Rebecca Groom ...(+)
(29 original pieces on hymns for Easter and Ascension). Edited by Rebecca Groom te Velde and David Blackwell. For organ solo. Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists. Level B-C (easy - moderately difficult). 72 pages. Published by Oxford University Press
Composed by Mark Hayes. Arranged by Marvin Gaspard. Sacred, Eastertide, Lent. ...(+)
Composed by Mark Hayes. Arranged by Marvin Gaspard. Sacred, Eastertide, Lent. Lorenz Publishing Company #70/2007L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.70-2007L).
37 original pieces on hymns for World Communion, Reformation/The Church, Harv...(+)
37 original pieces on hymns for World Communion, Reformation/The Church, Harvest, All Saints, All Souls, Remembrance, Christ the King, and Thanksgiving. Edited by Rebecca Groom te Velde; David Blackwell. Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists. 37 original pieces on hymns for World Communion, Reformation/The Church, Harvest, All Saints, All Souls, Remembrance, Christ the King, and Thanksgiving. 144 pages. Published by Oxford University Press (OU.9780193400689).
(27 original pieces on hymns for Pentecost and Trinity). Edited by David Blackwe...(+)
(27 original pieces on hymns for Pentecost and Trinity). Edited by David Blackwell; Rebecca Groom te Velde. For organ. Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists. 72 pages. Published by Oxford University Press
Organ, Piano (duet) - Easy Hope Publishing Company
Arranged by Donald Hustad Tedd Smith. For Organ, Piano. Level: (Easy). Print Mus...(+)
Arranged by Donald Hustad Tedd Smith. For Organ, Piano. Level: (Easy). Print Music Collection (Organ & Piano Book). Published by Hope Publishing Company.
Arranged by Hal H. Hopson. Church-Worship, Funeral, Funeral & Memorial, Wedding ...(+)
Arranged by Hal H. Hopson. Church-Worship, Funeral, Funeral & Memorial, Wedding and Sacred. Print Music Collection (Book). 407 pages. Published by Hope Publishing Company. Level: (Moderate).
Composed by Franklin D. Ashdown, Neil Harmon, Clay Christiansen, Richard Elliott...(+)
Composed by Franklin D. Ashdown, Neil Harmon, Clay Christiansen, Richard Elliott, Andrew Unsworth, Bonnie , Linda Margetts, James C. Kasen, Rulon Christiansen. Hymn Setting. Memorial, 21st Century, Children, Community/Fellowship, Hope/Assurance, Prayer. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.10-217).
(35 original hymns on Lent and Passiontide). Edited by Rebecca Groom te Velde an...(+)
(35 original hymns on Lent and Passiontide). Edited by Rebecca Groom te Velde and David Blackwell. For organ solo. Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists. Level B-C (easy - moderately difficult). 64 pages. Published by Oxford University Press
(Music for Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost). By R...(+)
(Music for Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost). By Robert Gower. For Organ (with pedals). Organ. Other Collection. 128 pages. Published by Oxford University Press