Duffy, Paul: The Light of Winter
The Light of Winter
from The Eightfold Wheel
Paul Duffy

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MP3 : The Light of Winter (62.17 Ko)567x 7 726x
Vidéo :
Paul Duffy
Duffy, Paul (1970 - )




Date 2016
Droit d'auteur Copyright © Paul Duffy
Ajoutée par padster, 26 Jun 2018
A short composition originally written for 19-string Gothic Harp but playable on any instrument. The tuning instructions above the metronome mark are for non-lever 19 string medieval/Gothic harps whose second and third F strings should be tuned sharp before commencing the piece. The composition is number two of a collection of eight pieces based on the Pagan Celtic Wheel of the Year or 'Eightfold Wheel'. The Light of Winter refers to the Winter Solstice but also references Arthur Pendragon and t...(+)
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Commentaires (1)

Paul Duffy
Drachen flitterwing

Publié le 20 Jui 2018 à 19:02 par flitternote
This is such a beautiful piece! Thank you for sharing it, and for the very interesting and educational information you included about it!