Concertante for two Clarinets in A & Piano
Concertante for two Clarinets in A & Piano
Opus 10
Johann Georg Heinrich Backofen

2 Clarinets, 1 Piano

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ViewPDF : Concertante (Opus 10) for two Clarinets in A & Piano (70 pages - 1.16 Mo)591x


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ViewPDF : A Clarinet 2 (171.48 Ko)
ViewPDF : Piano (376.08 Ko)
ViewPDF : A Clarinet 1 (191.47 Ko)
ViewPDF : Bb Clarinet 2 (172.51 Ko)
ViewPDF : Bb Clarinet 1 (190.05 Ko)
MP3 : principal audio (21.92 Mo)137x 1,243x
Concertante for two Clarinets in A & Piano
MP3 (16.73 Mo) : (by Magatagan, Michael)103x 195x
Concertante for two Clarinets in A & Piano
MP3 (16.82 Mo) : (by Magatagan, Michael)229x 160x
Concertante for two Clarinets in A & Piano
MP3 (18.33 Mo) : (by Leonard Anderson)98x 167x
Johann Georg Heinrich Backofen
Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich (1768 - 1830)

2 Clarinets, 1 Piano



Copyright Public Domain
Added by magataganm, 31 Jul 2013
Johann Georg Heinrich Backofen (1768– 1830 in Darmstadt) was a German clarinetist and composer.

In his time Backofen enjoyed great fame; he was not only known as a composer for, and virtuoso of the clarinet but also played the harp, flute and basset horn.

His year of death is not known with certainty; a year of 1839 is found in some documents.

Although the Clarinet in B-flat is the most commonly used type of clarinet, the Clarinet in A is mostly used in symphony orch...
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