Ravel, Maurice: Boléro - Tema
Boléro - Tema
Bolero-Transcription pour violon alto & piano
Maurice Ravel

Viola and Piano (or organ)

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ViewPDF : Piano part (91.04 Ko)
ViewPDF : Viola part (48.68 Ko)
MP3 : principal audio (48.68 Ko)538x 3,307x
Boléro - Thème
MP3 (3.34 Mo) : (by Dewagtere, Bernard)275x 502x
Maurice Ravel
Ravel, Maurice (1875 - 1937)

Viola and Piano (or organ)

Sheet central Bolero (24 sheet music)

Early 20th century

Dewagtere, Bernard (1958 - )
Date 1928
Copyright Copyright © Dewagtere, Bernard
Added by bernard-dewagtere, 01 May 2011
Boléro epitomises Ravel's preoccupation with restyling and reinventing dance movements. It was also one of the last pieces he composed before illness forced him into retirement: the two piano concertos and the Don Quichotte à Dulcinée song cycle were the only compositions that followed Boléro. Ravel himself has made two cuts in 1929 for his Bolero piano, one with two hands and one duet. They are very rarely performed in public. (Wikipedia)
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Comments (1)

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Maurice Ravel

Posted the at 14:46 by yloma

bonjour, ce n'est pas un commentaire mais une question : y aurait-il une partition pour violoncelle ? merci.