Bach, Johann Sebastian: Aria - Suite no. 3 in D - BWV 1068
Aria - Suite no. 3 in D - BWV 1068
Air - Suite n° 3 en Ré Majeur
Johann Sebastian Bach

Soprano saxophone, piano or organ

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MP3 : principal audio (3.65 Mo)1,169x 4,255x
Aria ? Suite no. 3 in D ? BWV 1068
MP3 (3.62 Mo) : (by Dewagtere, Bernard)782x 630x
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Johann Sebastian Bach
florent boulenger

Posted the at 11:47 by afrotoubab

Dommage que la partition ne soit pas transposée !
Johann Sebastian Bach

Posted the at 01:12 by istratesandralucia19

Hello! Isn't the soprano tonality one tone higher than the one on the music sheet? I have been trying to put together my soprano with the one on this MP3 and it sounds differently. This MP3 sounds really great, but trying to follow the music sheet it seems a different tonality. Could you give me a piece of advise, please? Thank you!

Posted the at 00:00
Vous avez écrit cette partition pour un sax soprano en ut. Ces instruments sont quasiment introuvables actuellement (Conn en a fabriqué en Amérique avant la dernière guerre!). Heureusement que je puis transposer à vue !...
Pour le reste : chapeau bas ! Excellente version !

Posted the at 00:00
very interesting an an excellent help