(DE PASS ANNE OLGA) Français Musical course - Solfege [Sheet music] Delatour France
Par DE PASS ANNE OLGA. Ce livre s?adresse aussi bien à des musiciens de musiqu...(+)
Par DE PASS ANNE OLGA. Ce livre s?adresse aussi bien à des musiciens de musique Pop ou de Jazz qu?à des musiciens Classiques, quel que soit leur niveau. Il se distingue par l?originalité et la simplicité de son approche, désacralisée et iconoclaste, avec d?incessants allers-retours entre harmonie Classique et harmonie Jazz. Cette approche permet à chacun de réussir à écrire, à la table qui plus est, des musiques bien construites et qui sonnent bien. Cet outil d?analyse pratique a notamment prouvé son efficacité auprès de nombreux élèves de conservatoire, et ce avant qu?ils n?abordent les cours d?Écriture. La richesse du contenu de cette méthode satisfera tout autant les musiciens avancés qui y puiseront des renseignements et éclairages précieux.?/ Théorie / Composition
34.90 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
D'ORCHESTRATION VOL.1 Français Musical course - Solfege Billaudot
Techniques d'orchestration, volume 1, s'adresse à tous les musiciens qui souhai...(+)
Techniques d'orchestration, volume 1, s'adresse à tous les musiciens qui souhaitent étudier l'écriture orchestrale et qui s'intéressent aux techniques permettant de transcrire pour orchestre une partition composée initialement pour piano. / Théorie - harmonie / Billaudot
44.70 EUR - Sold by Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
METHOD (HAMBRIDGE TOM) Musical course - Solfege [Sheet music + Audio access] Hal Leonard
Par HAMBRIDGE TOM. Designed for anyone interested in learning the basics of song...(+)
Par HAMBRIDGE TOM. Designed for anyone interested in learning the basics of songwriting, GRAMMY® Award-winning writer and producer Tom Hambridge guides you through the process, from inspiration and structure to lyrics and melody. Using a mix of well-known popular songs, traditional music, and his own creations, Tom gives many examples along the way. No music reading is required! Includes audio tracks for demonstration and a foreword by Jason Mraz. Topics include: inspiration, lyrics, structure, word play, metaphors, rhyming, titles, chord progressions, melody, rhythm, tempo, imagery, phrasing, telling a story, and more. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK , a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right. / Date parution : 2023-02-28/ Théorie / Tout Instrument
20.60 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Goyone, Daniel :
Abécédaire de la
composition Français Musical course - Solfege [Book] Outre Mesure
À la plupart des questions qui touchent à la composition il n?y a pas...(+)
À la plupart des questions qui touchent à la composition il n?y a pas de réponses définitives. Chaque composition constitue une proposition de réponse. Il n?y a pas non plus de ligne de conduite définie que l?on pourrait préconiser à coup sûr. En revanche, pour le compositeur il est important d?être conscient des problématiques qu?il va rencontrer et de l?éventail des choix possibles. Il est important de connaître la nature du territoire sur lequel il évolue, afin d?éviter de se perdre, de tourner en rond, d?être bloqué par des préjugés ou par des idées reçues. C?est un préalable essentiel pour, au final, jouir au mieux de sa liberté.
La composition est un domaine immense. Beaucoup de thèmes abordés dans cet ouvrage pourraient aisément se voir consacrer un volume entier. Mais, avant de trop approfondir certains d?entre eux, le compositeur gagne à avoir une vision globale du sujet qui soit, autant que possible, détachée de tout à priori stylistique. C?est ce que l?auteur a essayé de proposer dans cet ouvrage.
Par ailleurs les problématiques relatives à la composition se répondent, interfèrent, empiètent les unes sur les autres et ne se prêtent guère à un exposé structuré de façon logique et progressive. D?où le choix de l?Abécédaire, forme volontairement subjective, dans laquelle chaque entrée projette un éclairage différent, certaines se recoupant parfois. Mais qui, au final, devrait donner au lecteur une idée du sujet la plus fidèle possible.
Il faut considérer ce livre comme un viatique que le compositeur emporte avec lui dans son voyage musical de façon à pouvoir le consulter lorsqu?il est bloqué, lorsqu?il a des doutes sur la direction à emprunter, ou simplement lorsqu?il veut avoir un aperçu des possibilités qui s?offrent à lui. / Livre / Agrafé /
26.00 EUR - Sold by Note4Piano Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Jim Peterik Dave Austin:
Songwriting For Dummies -
2nd Edition: Reference Wiley Publishing, Inc
Songwriting For Dummies - 2nd Edition
16.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Composing And Arranging
For The Contemporary Big
Band Advance Music
By the renowned arranger and author Bill Dobbins. In addition to lead sheets and...(+)
By the renowned arranger and author Bill Dobbins. In addition to lead sheets and C scores, the book mainly contains detailed analyses of arrangements. The CD was recorded by the WDR Big Band with Peter Erskine under the direction of Dobbins. / Concert Band
58.10 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Orchestration Handbook Hal Leonard
Le Manuel de l'orchestration est un guide en un clin d'oeil aux éléments clés...(+)
Le Manuel de l'orchestration est un guide en un clin d'oeil aux éléments clés dans une partition musicale. Les étudiants et les instructeurs y trouveront ce manuel indispensable pour ses explications claires et concises des caractéristiques des instruments, des symboles musicaux, l'humeur et des indications dynamiques, et marque le tempo. Vous vous demandez si votre mélodie peut être doublée par la clarinette et le trombone ténor? Pas sûr de la différence entre dolente et doloroso? Les caractéristiques de chaque instrument et le score de marquage sont couverts ici. Conçu dans un 4-1/2 unique 'x 12' format, Le Manuel d'orchestration appartient sur ??le pupitre de chaque chef d'orchestre, arrangeur et compositeur. Don B. Ray est le créateur du programme Film Scoring au Département de l'UCLA de l'art et un superviseur musique à la retraite pour le réseau de télévision CBS. / Orchestre / 72 pages / Partition
9.00 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Berklee Finale Easy Guide
Cd-Rom Musical course - Solfege Hal Leonard
Ce document, unique par son ISBN 73999495003 a été conçu par Auteurs Divers e...(+)
Ce document, unique par son ISBN 73999495003 a été conçu par Auteurs Divers et a pour titre Berklee Finale Easy Guide Cd-Rom. Il fait partie de la catégorie Livres, Revues, DVD, Logiciels Et Accessoires. / Divers / Livre Cd-Rom
116.30 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| 300 Textes Et
Realisations Cahier 14 -
Realisations Français Musical course - Solfege Zurfluh 24.70 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Ecrire Ses Chansons Pour
/ PIERRE CATHERINE) Français [Book] First Editions
11.40 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| 300 Textes Et
Realisations Cahier 4 -
Textes Français Zurfluh 24.70 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Arranging And Composing
(BAKER DAVID) [Sheet music] Alfred Publishing
Par BAKER DAVID. Ce manuel professionnel vous permet de partager les secrets de ...(+)
Par BAKER DAVID. Ce manuel professionnel vous permet de partager les secrets de la réussite de David Baker. Baker explique ses techniques de travail pratique pour trio avec piano, jazz quartet, écriture de partie 4 et 5, les substitutions de corde, voicings, patrons de bass et beaucoup plus./ Méthode / Tout Instrument
43.50 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| 300 Textes Et
Realisations Cahier 8 -
Schubert Français Musical course - Solfege Zurfluh 43.10 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| 300 Textes Et
Realisations Cahier 15 -
Realisations Français Musical course - Solfege Zurfluh 5.80 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Ecrire Ses Chansons Pour
Les Nuls - Sylvain
Griotto and Catherine
Pierre Français Musical course - Solfege [Book] First Interactive
ECRIRE SES CHANSONS POUR LES NULS, POCHE Sylvain GRIOTTO et Catherine PIERRE Suivez le guide et composez vos plus belles chansons ! Votre âme d'artiste ne demande qu'à chanter ? Vous souhaitez faire une déclaration d'amour en chanson à votre âme soeur ou à votre grand-mère ? Vous commencez à tourner en boucle avec les trois seuls accords de guitare que vous connaissez ? Ce guide enseignera aux non-musiciens comme aux initiés les ingrédients indispensables à l'écriture d'une chanson ? paroles et musique. 320 pages
11.95 EUR - Sold by Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Music Notation: Theory Musical course - Solfege [Book] Hal Leonard
Learn the essentials of music notation from fundamental pitch and rhythm placem...(+)
Learn the essentials of music notation from fundamental pitch and rhythm placement to intricate meter and voicing alignments. Learn the correct way to subdivide rhythms and notate complex articulations and dynamics. This guidewill teach you how to create professional manuscripts and is an excellent resource for both handwritten notation and computer software programs.
27.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Joaquín Turina: Tratado
De Composicion Musical
Vol 1: Instrumental Work Español Unión Musical Ediciones
Tratado De Composicion Musical Vol 1
19.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK |
| The Songwriting
Sourcebook: Reference
Books: Reference Musical course - Solfege [Textbook] Hal Leonard
Originally published in 2003 and now revised and updated The Songwriting Sourc...(+)
Originally published in 2003 and now revised and updated The Songwriting Sourcebook is the third entry in Rikky Rooksby's bestselling How to Write Songs series. This easy-to-use book will help you write better songs by explaining the art of writing effective chord sequences. It shows:How three and four chords can lay the foundation for a simple song and how to move on to progressions using five and six chordsHow to give your chord sequences additional color by adding chords that are not strictly in key including blues chordsHow to write chord sequences for songs in minor keys as well as major keys and how totake progressions into new territories by changing keyHow to fine-tune the color of your chords by understanding the emotional potential of sevenths sixths and ninthsAll examples come with easy-to-read guitar chord boxes and the accompanying 20-track audio CD features original recordings that illustrate some of the points made in the book.
18.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Songwriting Strategies:
Reference Berklee
A 360-Degree Approach-With Mark Simos' Songwriting Strategies - A 360-Degree App...(+)
A 360-Degree Approach-With Mark Simos' Songwriting Strategies - A 360-Degree Approach you will learn how to write songs starting from any direction melody lyric harmony rhythm or idea.This book will help you toexpand your range and flexibility as a songwriter. Discussions hands-on exercises and notated examples will help you hone your craft.This creatively liberating approach supports the overall integrity of emotion and meaningin your songs. It will help you become more productive versatile and innovative in your songwriting.You will learn to:Discover more ideas for songs song seeds and capture them in their most powerful andusable form.Overcome writer's block by having many more pathways through the writing process.Develop strong song structures by working independently with melody lyrics harmony and rhythm.Write songsmore easily guided by your well-tuned ?songwriter's compass?.
17.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Songwriting in Practice:
Reference Books:
Reference Berklee
Notebooks - Journals - Logs - Lists-Become a more productive songwriter! Learn t...(+)
Notebooks - Journals - Logs - Lists-Become a more productive songwriter! Learn to organize the full range of your creative content from starting inspirations to finished songs. This book offers pragmatic tools resources practices and principles for managing the many kinds of creative materials gathered or generated across a song's life cycle. Organize your ideas and sources of inspiration sketches and drafts versions and revisions to streamline your songwriting process. Create and use ?song seed? notebooks and lists song journals and writing and co-writing session logs as you develop your overall song catalog.You will learn to:? Capture and access inspirations ofall types ? lyric melodic chordal rhythmic or concept ? in songwriting notebooks journals and lists? Energize and improve your creative work writing by organizing all your song ideas for easy access at every stage of songwriting? Manage the full lifecycle of your songs from sketches and drafts through versions and revisions to ?fair copies? and demos? Develop an efficient songwriting workflow that connects inspirations to opportunities and projects? Rapidly access your strongest creative material in high-stakes deadline-driven writing and co-writing sessions? Develop your song catalogue to support publishing administration and licensing? Use the organizing process to gain insights for advancing your craft and range as a writer
16.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Complete Guide To Film
Scoring - 2Nd Edition:
Reference [Textbook] Berklee
Essential for anyone interested in the business process and procedures of writi...(+)
Essential for anyone interested in the business process and procedures of writing music for film or television this book teaches the Berklee approach to the art covering topics such as: preparing and recording a score contracts and fees publishing royalties copyrights and much more.Features interviews with 21 top film-scoring professionals including Michael Kamen Alf Clausen Alan Silvestri Marc Shaiman Mark Snow HarryGregson-Williams and Elmer Bernstein. Now updated with info on today's latest technology and invaluable insights into finding work in the industry.
34.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Gail Smith: Composing
Made Easy: Instrumental
Tutor Musical course - Solfege Mel Bay
When words fail music speaks...so the saying goes. Expressing yourself through ...(+)
When words fail music speaks...so the saying goes. Expressing yourself through music by putting words to notes and notes to words can be easy; yes easier than you may think.This book is a treasure chest of ideas foranyone interested in composing. Simple ways to spark the creative process are included such as taking the musical letters in your name to form a melody. Step by step you will see how to actually process the notes into music.Norse Song by Robert Schumann shows how he used the four musical letters of his friend GADE to compose the Piano solo.
11.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK |
| Essential Songwriter:
Reference Berklee 13.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Reharmonization
Techniques: Theory Musical course - Solfege - Advanced Hal Leonard
Whether you write film scores direct a band or choir or play solo piano or gui...(+)
Whether you write film scores direct a band or choir or play solo piano or guitar you will find simple and innovative techniques to update your songs and develop exciting new arrangements.
29.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| How to Write Songs on
Guitar: Reference Books:
Reference Musical course - Solfege [Textbook] Hal Leonard
So you want to write songs and you want to write them on guitar. This is the bo...(+)
So you want to write songs and you want to write them on guitar. This is the book that shows you exactly how.Taking tips and tricks from classic songwriters from Bob Dylan to the Beatles to Tori Amos How to Write Songs on Guitar takes you through the four main elements of a song rhythm melody lyrics and harmony and inspires you to combine them in exciting new ways.Now with updated songs and tips on writing trends it's packed with wisdom and practical advice culled from over 1 500 songs How to Write Songs on Guitar 2nd edition will soon have you producing better more memorable songs.
28.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Elaine Gould: Behind
Bars: Guide To Music
Notation: Reference [Textbook] Faber Music Limited
Behind Bars is the indispensable reference book for composers arrangers teache...(+)
Behind Bars is the indispensable reference book for composers arrangers teachers and students of composition editors and music processors. In the most thorough and painstakingly researched book to be published since the 1980s specialist music editor Elaine Gould provides a comprehensive grounding in notational principles. Behind Bars covers everything from basic rules conventions and themes to complex instrumental techniques empowering the reader to prepare music with total clarity and precision. With the advent of computer technology it has never been more important for musicians to have ready access to principles of bestpractice in this dynamic field and this book will support the endeavours of software users and devotees of hand-copying alike. The author's understanding of and passion for her subject has resulted in a book that is not only practical but also compellingly readable. This seminal and all-encompassing guide encourages new standards of excellence and accuracy and at a weighty 704 pages it is supported by 1 500 music examples of published scores from Bach to Xenakis.
80.00 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK |
| Melody in Songwriting:
Reference Hal Leonard
Tools and Techniques for Writing Hit Songs-Melody writing is a skill that can be...(+)
Tools and Techniques for Writing Hit Songs-Melody writing is a skill that can be learned and this unique resource will show you how. Through proven tools and techniques you will learn how to write memorable melodies and discover the dynamic relationships between melody harmony rhythm and rhyme. This clear comprehensive guide unlocks the secrets of hit songs examining them and revealing why they succeed. Songs discussed include Killing Me Softly Addicted To Love and TheLong And Winding Road.
25.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| 1000 Songwriting Ideas:
Reference Books:
Reference [Textbook] Hal Leonard
It all starts with an idea! From melodies to lyrics great songs need great idea...(+)
It all starts with an idea! From melodies to lyrics great songs need great ideas to spark the creative energy that will help you write your next big hit. 1000 Songwriting Ideas is a handy book of creative exercises that stop writer's block and turn your imagination into a powerful songwriting machine. The book offers a thousand concepts to ponder as starting points for lyric and melody writing along with some of the most provocative and inspirational examples you may encounter anywhere. These proven exercises move the lyrical self stir the melodic soul and give you the power to be the creative songwriter you've always wanted to be.
29.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Arranging for Strings:
Reference Books:
Instrumental Tutor [Sheet music + Audio access] Berklee
Learn to use strings in your compositions and arrangements! From romantic chord ...(+)
Learn to use strings in your compositions and arrangements! From romantic chord pads to powerful grooves to gut-wrenching passionate melodies strings do it all.This book presents time-tested techniques and contemporary developments in writing and arranging for strings. You'll learn strategies for authentic writing in many different styles and find ideas to take your personal sound forward. Discover voicings that work best for each project and explore the intricacies of bowing. Hear articulation approaches from pads to chopping in the online audio examples. See how other composers have used strings to heighten the impact of their music in the written examples. Make yourwork stand out with the drama and depth that well informed string writing can bring.You will learn:? The tunings range and timbres for the violin viola cello and bass including standard instruments and common variations including acoustic electric and synthesized string instruments and sections.? Bowing techniques and possibilities.? Characteristic articulations and sounds such as vibrato pizzicato sul tasto trills tremolos and harmonics.? Timbral and rhythm effects such as chop technique ponticello/feedback portamento and falls.? String-section arranging techniques such as melody/countermelody fills pads and comping.? Stylistic nuances of genres such as American roots Celtic jazz rock klezmer eastern European Gypsy jazz and swing.? Mic recording and live sound techniques for capturing the best string sounds for both acoustic and electric instruments.
23.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| The Songwriter's
Workshop: Harmony: Theory [Sheet music + CD] - Intermediate Berklee
Part of the Berklee Press series of contemporary tutorials this comprehensive b...(+)
Part of the Berklee Press series of contemporary tutorials this comprehensive book brings the art of songwriting up to date. Author Jimmy Kachulis covers all aspects of song construction beginning with basic grooves and chordcolours through to much more advanced tonalities pitch progressions and modulations. Each technical discipline is discussed in the context of song-craft discussing notions of harmonic journeys building sections and addingcolour. Includes a CD packed full of examples to illustrate each lesson.
32.50 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |