Format : Book + CD
SKU: BT.DHP-1175784-070
ISBN 9789043153096.
The Beatles remain today, extremely popular amongst all generations. Many arrangements of their famous hits have been created in a variety of instrumentations. Hardly any versions for flexible 5-voiced wind ensemble exist. With this arrangement, you can now play all of their chart hits with almost any combination of wind instruments. The Beatles zijn nog altijd buitengewoon populair onder alle generaties. Van hun beroemde nummers zijn veel bewerkingen in diverse instrumentaties verschenen, maar er bestaan nauwelijks versies voor vijfstemmig blazersensemble met een flexibele bezetting. Dit arrangement maakt het mogelijk om alle grote Beatles-hits te spelen in vrijwel elke combinatie van blaasinstrumenten. Die Beatles erfreuen sich bis heute über alle Generationen hinweg großer Beliebtheit. Von ihren berühmtesten Hits gibt es zahlreiche Arrangements in unterschiedlichen Besetzungen. Es gibt jedoch kaum Versionen für 5-stimmiges variables Bläserensemble. Dieses Arrangement ermöglicht es Ihnen, die besten Hits der Beatles in fast jeder möglichen Kombination von Blasinstrumenten zu spielen. Les Beatles jouissent toujours d’une grande popularité parmi toutes les générations. De nombreux arrangements de leurs chansons ont été réalisés, mais très rarement pour ensemble vents flexible cinq voix. Cet arrangement vous permet désormais de jouer leurs tubes avec de nombreuses combinaisons d’instruments.
SKU: HL.396768
ISBN 9780960082780. UPC: 196288033707. 8.5x11.0x0.241 inches.
Ruach 5781 features today's up-and-coming and most popular Jewish music artists. Their infectious contemporary Jewish rock and pop songs are sure-fire hits for any setting. These tunes will become part of the soundtrack of your Jewish life! This remarkable collection of contemporary Jewish youth music will provide you with new ideas and musical earworms that will stay with you and your community forever. Discover tunes from new names and some of the most popular artists in contemporary Jewish music. Includes music from Noah Aronson, Rob Aronson, Steven Chaitman, Fishmidty, Ellie Flier, Alan Goodis, Lucy Greenbaum, Carly Greene, Emily Groff, Hadar & Sheldon, Jacob Spike Kraus, Eliana Light, Jamie Marx, Nick May, Nigunim Ensemble, Ari Posner & Michael Smolash, Ian Simpson, Rose Snitz, and Josh Warshawsky. Also included is a Ruach series index, encompassing all previous volumes. Includes audio download code on bind-in card.