Format : Sheet music
Bassoon solos with piano accompaniment edited by William Waterhouse. Suitable for intermediate players.
SKU: BT.AMP-382-400
ISBN 9789043135801. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the ANGLO MUSIC PLAY-ALONG Series, Philip Sparkes 15 INTERMEDIATE CLASSICAL SOLOS is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play about an octave and a half and follows on from Sparkes 15 EASY CLASSICAL SOLOS. Specifically tailored to suitthe individual instrument, this book introduces the developing player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range.
The carefully selected pieces include music from the 17th to the 19th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Handel to Tchaikovsky and from Clementi to Brahms.
The book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.
Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglichen die sorgfältig ausgewählten Melodien noch mehr Spielerfahrung mit klassischer Musik. Die Stücke umfassen verschiedene Stilrichtungen und Komponisten wie z.B. Händel, Tschaikowsky, Clementi undBrahms.
Jeder Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthält sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.
SKU: BT.AMP-307-400
ISBN 9789043138154. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-along Series, Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the beginning player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The carefully selected pieces include music from the 16th to the 20th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Bach to Grieg and from Purcell to Satie. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos, onderdeel van de Anglo Music Play-Along Series, is bedoeld voor de jonge instrumentalist die iets meer dan een octaaf kan spelen. Het boek sluit qua instrumentaal bereik en gebruikte toonsoortenaan bij het Artist Level van Hal Leonards Essential Elements ®, maar kan ook los daarvan worden gebruikt.De zorgvuldig geselecteerde melodieën, die specifiek zijn toegesneden op elk instrument, beslaan een breed scala van klassieke stijlen:van Bach tot Grieg en van Purcell tot Satie.Het boek bevat waardevol materiaal ter aanvulling op elke lesmethode en wordt geleverd met pianobegeleiding en een cd met demo- en meespeeltracks.15 Easy Classical Solos ist als Ergänzung zur bewährten Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe gedacht und richtet sich an Schüler, die ungefähr einen Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Das Niveau entspricht dem des Artist Levels der Essential Elements ® Methode von Hal Leonard, kann aber auch unabhängig davon verwendet werden. Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglicht die wohlüberlegte Stückeauswahl ein erstes Kennenlernen von Melodien aus verschiedenen Epochen der Klassik von Grieg über Purcell bis Satie. Jeder Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthält sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.15 Easy Classical Solos, de Philip Sparke, est un ouvrage qui sâ??adresse aux jeunes musiciens, maîtrisant un peu plus dâ??une octave. 15 Easy Classical Solos a été conçu pour être joué en corrélation avec les séries Artist et/ou Master Level de la collection Essential Elements ®, publiée par les éditions Hal Leonard. Mais il peut également être utilisé indépendamment.Spécifiquement adapté chaque instrument, ce volume rassemble quinze mélodies écrites par des compositeurs aussi variés que Bach, Purcell, Grieg et Satie.Comprenant les parties dâ??accompagnement de piano et une version dâ??accompagnement sur compact disc, ces ouvrages représentent une sourcecomplémentaire inestimable toute méthode pédagogique. Il concetto della collana Anglo Music Play-Along Series è quello di integrare al più presto nel processo di apprendimento dei giovani strumentisti la possibilit di poter suonare accompagnati al piano o con lâ??ausilio di unâ??incisione su CD. Ilchiaro vantaggio di questo metodo è che gli allievi imparano da subito lâ??aspetto fondamentale del suonare insieme, vale a dire tenere il tempo in modo costante. 15 Easy Classical Solos consente agli allievi che hanno una conoscenza limitatadelle note di suonare brani di Bach, Schubert, Purcell, Grieg e altri, grazie alle versioni facilitate. Il livello di 15 Intermediate Classical Solos permette invece agli allievi che padroneggiano lâ??estensione superiore a unâ??ottava dicimentarsi nei â??primi concertiâ? con brani di Haendel, Clementi, Rameau, Glueck, Beethoven e altri. Il CD propone una traccia con lâ??incisione completa e una con il solo accompagnamento.
ISBN 9781491156803. UPC: 680160915347. 9 x 12 inches.
For the first time, Weissenborn's Method and both volumes of his Opus 8 Studies are presented in one spiral-bound book, revised and expanded by noted bassoonist and teacher Frank Morelli. This edition includes Ludwig Milde's Scale and Chord Studies, a new and innovative Study Key, and additional lessons that introduce all notes beyond high Bb to high E. The book offers comprehensive, basic, and advanced pedagogical instruction from Julius Weissenborn as well as Frank Morelli through various studies, methods, and techniques. With thirty-six newly added duets based upon popular themes and many important orchestral bassoon solos, fingering charts, and a revised and expanded glossary, this is a truly complete landmark volume.
SKU: BT.AMP-365-401
ISBN 9789043138840. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Following on from Starter Studies, this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Skilful Studies introduces the concept of phrasing by suggesting suitable breathing points and takes the player into new keys with extended instrumental ranges. New notes are introduced in a gradual and logical manner; woodwind players are taken into their second octave, learning to cross the â??breakâ?? as smoothly as possible.Skilful Solo past in het rijtje Starter Studies, Skilful Studies, Super Studies en Starter Solos, een succesvolle reeks van Philip Sparke. Net als de eerdergenoemde uitgaven bevat Skilful Solos waardevol, motiverend speelmateriaal dat de keuze voor een methode aanvult. Nieuwe muzikale elementen komen in een logische volgorde aan de orde - om de ontwikkeling van de complete muzikant te bevorderen. Während Philip Sparke an diesen drei Etüdenbüchern arbeitete, beriet er sich mit vielen Musiklehrern, wie man jungen Bläsern am besten neue Noten beibringt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in welchen sich neue musikalische Elemente in einer logischen Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Starter Studies für Anfänger und Skilful Studies sowie Super Studies für etwas fortgeschrittenere Bläser enthalten motivierende Etüden, mit deren Hilfe die Schüler strukturiert ihren Tonumfang erweitern und technische Fähigkeiten, wie Ansatzvariationen oder Griffe erwerben können. Die Etüden sind jeweils genau auf die technischen und musikalischen Anforderungen der einzelnenInstrumente zugeschnitten. Damit bekommen interessierte Schüler schon ab einem frühen Lernstadium optimales Ã?bungsmaterial an die Hand, so dass sie schnell zu guten Musikern heranreifen können. Die drei Bücher können ergänzend zu jeder Instrumentalschule eingesetzt werden. Lâ??acquisition de nouvelles compétences, au sein dâ??une démarche structurée, est indispensable dans lâ??apprentissage dâ??un instrument vent. Skilful Studies est le second des trois volumes de cette série dâ??études instrumentales. â??Gli inizi dellâ??apprendimento musicale sono decisivi. Un buon insegnante è un elemento chiave, ma è indispensabile avere a disposizione materiale pedagogico complementare che motivi gli allievi e che allo stesso tempo offra una presentazione completa delle tecniche del suono. Starter Studies è il primo volume di questa serie di studi strumentali: una collana che offre un ambiente adeguato allâ??introduzione di nuovi elementi musicali. Skilful Studies è il motore indispensabile per procedere nel mondo della musica. Per diventare un musicista completo, gli studi proposti in Super Studies si concentrano su unâ??esigenza particolare relativa alla specificit del vostrostrumentoâ?.
SKU: SU.00220629
This CD Sheet Music collection on USB Flash Drive contains 2 complete CDSM titles: The Clarinet Solos & Duos collection makes available a wealth of music for solo clarinet including sonatas, concertos, and solo works by 28 composers from the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Also included are two complete volumes of collected works: Easy Duets and Album of Short Solos by Various Composers. Works include: Baermann, C. (Duo Concertante); Baermann, H. (Adagio); Beethoven (3 Duos for Clarinet and Bassoon); Berg (4 Pieces for Clarinet & Piano); Brahms (Sonata Nos. 1 & 2); Busoni (Elegie for Clarinet & Piano); Cavallini (30 Caprices for Clarinet); Debussy (Première Rhapsodie); Fauré (Berceuse); Gade (4 Fantasy Pieces); Glazunov (Saxophone Concerto [for clarinet & piano]); Jeanjean (Variations on Au Clair de la Lune); Klosé )Souvenir); Mason (Sonata for Clarinet & Piano); Mendelssohn (Concert Piece for 2 Clarinets & Piano); Mozart, L. (Concerto in Bb major); Mozart, W.A. (3 Duets for 2 Clarinets); Paganini (14 Caprices); Pierné (Pièce in G minor); Prokofiev (Visions Fugitives); Reger (Sonata Nos. 1 & 2); Reinecke (Sonata, Undine); Saint-Saëns (Sonata in Eb major); Schumann (Fantasy Pieces, 3 Romances); Spohr (Concerto Nos. 1-4); Stravinsky (3 Pieces for Clarinet Solo); Wagner (Adagio for Clarinet & Strings); Weber (Fantasia & Rondo, Grand Duo Concertante) Easy Duets Book 1: works by Fodor, Pleyel, Volckmar, Wanhal; Book 2: works by Mazas, Bruni, Campagnoli, Gebauer, Geminiani, Haydn, Pleyal, Viotti Album of Short Solos by Various Composers: 30 familiar works arranged for clarinet, including Brahms (Cradle Song), Dvorák (Humoreske), Fibich (Poéme), Handel (Largo), Giordani (Caro mio bien), Richter (Seppl-Polka), Schubert (Ave Maria), Schumann (Träumerei), Weber (Bauernwalzer), and more Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1200+ pages The Clarinet Methods, Studies & Ensembles collection makes available eight essential clarinet methods, studies and exercises, as well as over 30 works for clarinet with instruments including duos, trios and quartets by 20 familiar and lesser-known composers from the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Scores and parts are included for many ensemble works. Methods, Studies & Exercises include: Baermann (Complete Method for Clarinet, Op. 63); Klosé (Conservatory Method, 25 Daily Exercises, 30 Studies after Aument); Langenus (Complete Method for Clarinet); Rose (32 Etudes for Clarinet) Ensembles include: Amberg (Fantasiestücke, Suite for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet & Piano); Beethoven (Quintet for Piano and Winds); Brahms (Quintet for Clarinet & Strings, Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano); Bruch (8 Piece for Clarinet, Cello & Piano); Cavallini (Rêverie Russe for Flute, Clarinet, and Piano); d'Indy (Trio for Piano, Clarinet, and Cello); Fibich (Quintet for Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Horn, & Piano); Glinka (Trio Pathétique, for Clarinet, Cello, & Piano); Hummel (Serenade No. 1 for Flute, Clarinet, Viola, & Cello); Liadov (8 Russian Folk Dances); Mozart (Twelve Minuets for 2 Clarinets or Basset Horns, Five Divertimenti for 2 Clarinets & Bassoon), Quintet for Clarinet & Strings, Quintet for Piano & Winds, Trio for Clarinet, Viola & Piano); Ravel (Intruduction & Allegro); Reger (Quintet for Clarinet & Strings); Rimsky-Korsakov (Quintet for Piano & Winds); Saint-Saëns (Tarantella for Flute, Clarinet & Piano); Schubert (Der Hirt auf dem Felsen); Schumann (Märchenerzählungen, for Clarinet, Viola & Piano); Spohr (Fantasy & Variations); Titl (Serenade for Violin, Clarinet & Piano); Zemlinsky (Trio for Clarinet, Violin & Cello) Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2100+ pages Published by: CD Sheet Music.
SKU: BT.AMP-364-401
ISBN 9789043138833. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparke’s Starter Studies is the first volume of a progressive series of study books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician.This collection of 65 studies offers a choice of starting note to suit individual tastes and carefully introduces new musical elements, such as articulation, dynamics and key signatures in a structured progression to speed the learning process. Philip Sparke’s Starter Solos is het eerste deel van een serie boeken met muziek voor jonge blazers. Deze bundel van twintig solo’s begint met stukken die op een handvol noten zijn gebaseerd. Nieuwe muzikale elementen (articulatie, dynamiek, enz.) worden op een doordachte, gestructureerde manier toegevoegd. Dit studiemateriaal vult elke leermethode aan en is steeds toegesneden op het betreffende instrument. Während Philip Sparke an diesen drei Etüdenbüchern arbeitete, beriet er sich mit vielen Musiklehrern, wie man jungen Bläsern am besten neue Noten beibringt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in welchen sich neue musikalische Elemente in einer logischen Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Starter Studies für Anfänger und Skilful Studies sowie Super Studies für etwas fortgeschrittenere Bläser enthalten motivierende Etüden, mit deren Hilfe die Schüler strukturiert ihren Tonumfang erweitern und technische Fähigkeiten, wie Ansatzvariationen oder Griffe erwerben können. Die Etüden sind jeweils genau auf die technischen und musikalischen Anforderungen der einzelnenInstrumente zugeschnitten. Damit bekommen interessierte Schüler schon ab einem frühen Lernstadium optimales Ãœbungsmaterial an die Hand, so dass sie schnell zu guten Musikern heranreifen können. Die drei Bücher können ergänzend zu jeder Instrumentalschule eingesetzt werden. Les débuts de l’apprentissage d’un instrument sont certainement les plus décisifs. Un bon professeur est un élément-clé, mais il est indispensable de posséder des outils pédagogiques complémentaires motivants offrant une présentation structurée des techniques de jeu et d’apprentissage. Starter Studies vous fournit un environnement adéquat l’introduction de nouveaux éléments musicaux en suivant une démarche logique qui facilite le développement rapide d’un “musicien completâ€.“Gli inizi dell’apprendimento musicale sono decisivi. Un buon insegnante è un elemento chiave, ma è indispensabile avere a disposizione materiale pedagogico complementare che motivi gli allievi e che allo stesso tempo offra una presentazione completa delle tecniche del suono. Starter Studies è il primo volume di questa serie di studi strumentali: una collana che offre un ambiente adeguato all’introduzione di nuovi elementi musicali. Skilful Studies è il motore indispensabile per procedere nel mondo della musica. Per diventare un musicista completo, gli studi proposti in Super Studies si concentrano su un’esigenza particolare relativa alla specificit del vostrostrumentoâ€.
SKU: SU.00220334
This CD Sheet Music™ collection makes available a wealth of music for solo clarinet including sonatas, concertos, and solo works by 28 composers from the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Also included are two complete volumes of collected works: Easy Duets and Album of Short Solos by Various Composers. Works include: Baermann, C. (Duo Concertante); Baermann, H. (Adagio); Beethoven (3 Duos for Clarinet and Bassoon); Berg (4 Pieces for Clarinet & Piano); Brahms (Sonata Nos. 1 & 2); Busoni (Elegie for Clarinet & Piano); Cavallini (30 Caprices for Clarinet); Debussy (Première Rhapsodie); Fauré (Berceuse); Gade (4 Fantasy Pieces); Glazunov (Saxophone Concerto [for clarinet & piano]); Jeanjean (Variations on Au Clair de la Lune); Klosé )Souvenir); Mason (Sonata for Clarinet & Piano); Mendelssohn (Concert Piece for 2 Clarinets & Piano); Mozart, L. (Concerto in Bb major); Mozart, W.A. (3 Duets for 2 Clarinets); Paganini (14 Caprices); Pierné (Pièce in G minor); Prokofiev (Visions Fugitives); Reger (Sonata Nos. 1 & 2); Reinecke (Sonata, Undine); Saint-Saëns (Sonata in Eb major); Schumann (Fantasy Pieces, 3 Romances); Spohr (Concerto Nos. 1-4); Stravinsky (3 Pieces for Clarinet Solo); Wagner (Adagio for Clarinet & Strings); Weber (Fantasia & Rondo, Grand Duo Concertante) Easy Duets Book 1: works by Fodor, Pleyel, Volckmar, Wanhal; Book 2: works by Mazas, Bruni, Campagnoli, Gebauer, Geminiani, Haydn, Pleyal, Viotti Album of Short Solos by Various Composers: 30 familiar works arranged for clarinet, including Brahms (Cradle Song), Dvorák (Humoreske), Fibich (Poéme), Handel (Largo), Giordani (Caro mio bien), Richter (Seppl-Polka), Schubert (Ave Maria), Schumann (Träumerei), Weber (Bauernwalzer), and more Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1200+ pages
Please note, customers using Macintosh computers running macOS Catalina (version 10.5) have reported hardware compatibility issues with this product. If you encounter these issues, we recommend copying the entire contents of the disk to a contained folder on a thumb drive or other storage device for use on your Mac.
SKU: BA.BA04013-04
ISBN 9790006562077. 33 x 26.5 cm inches. Text Language: English, German. Preface: Bernard Rose. Anonymus.
SKU: BA.BA04021-04
ISBN 9790006562091. 33 x 26.5 cm inches. Language: German. Preface: Felix Schroeder. Text: Barthold Heinrich Brockes.
SKU: PR.UE037105
ISBN 9783702474188. UPC: 803452071297.
James Rae offers fully flexible jazz arrangements of three well-known tunes: Down by the Riverside, Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho, and Dry Bones. The parts cover a range of abilities and all parts are available as download from UE. While solos are written out, Rae also includes chord symbols for improvisation. Jazz Ensemble, Volume 1 is designed to be useful for general music classes, and would serve dedicated amateur groups, as well.