4 pieces pour le Piano
4 pieces for the Pianoforte
Op. 26
Sigismond Stojowski

Piano solo

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Sigismond Stojowski
Stojowski, Sigismond (1870 - 1946)

Piano solo


Early 20th century

Copyright Public domain
Other title Vier Stuecke für das Pianoforte
Added by FS, 28 Apr 2017
35 p. 31 cm.

4 pieces:
1. Mélodie.
2. In tempo di minuetto.
3. Chant d’amour.
4. Thème cracovien varié.

Note that 39087012478014.pdf is a later printing of op.26 and which includes no. 3, "Chant d'amour" which is missing in the earlier edition.
Source / Web :University of Rochester Research
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