Schulhoff, Julius
40 partitions
1 MP3

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Classique 1

Julius Schulhoff
Julius Schulhoff (1825 - 1898)
Rép. tchèque Rép. tchèque
Julius Schulhoff (Julius Šulhov) (August 22, 1825 – March 15, 1898) was a Bohemian pianist and composer of Jewish birth. Schulhoff was born in Prague, where he began studying piano with Kisch and Ignaz Amadeus Tedesco and also trained in music theory with Václav Tomášek. He made his debut at Dresden in 1842 and soon afterwards appeared at the Leipzig Gewandhaus. Moving to Paris shortly afterwards, he met Frédéric Chopin, who encouraged him in his bid to become an established professional pianist. The concerts that Schulhoff gave at Chopin's suggestion were greeted with such acclaim ... (lire la suite)
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