Hotteterre, Jean
8 partitions
6 MP3 - 1 MIDI

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Jean Hotteterre
Jean Hotteterre (1677 - 1720)
France France
Jean Hotteterre (1677–1720) was a composer and musician of the Hotteterre family at the court of Louis XIV of France. He and his brothers Jacques-Martin and Nicolas made many enhancements to the oboe, creating an "indoor" version similar to the shawm. Jean worked at the family workshop on the rue de Harlay until his death. Jean and Michel Philidor created the oboe.
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Partitions livres (expédition d'Europe)
8 548 partitions trouvées pour "OBOE"
Sonate Nr. 1 für 2 Oboen, Sonate Nr. 2 (BIBER CARL)
2 Hautbois (Cor Anglais), Cordes et Orgue Oboes
Universal Edition
29.91 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
Délais: 2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur