VanderCook, Hale A.Hale A. VanderCook
États-Unis États-Unis
(1864 - 1949)
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14 partitions trouvées pour " VanderCook " en TROMPETTE
Rubank Book of Trumpet Solos - Easy Level: Trumpet and Accomp.: Instrumental
Rubank Book of Trumpet Solos - Easy Level: Trumpet and Accomp.: Instrumental
Trompette, Piano [Partition + Accès audio]
Rubank Publications
Trumpet Stars - Set 2: Trumpet and Accomp.: Instrumental Album
Trumpet Stars - Set 2: Trumpet and Accomp.: Instrumental Album
Trompette, Piano [Partition + CD]
Hal Leonard
Rubank Book of Trumpet Solos - Intermediate Level: Trumpet Solo: Instrumental
Rubank Book of Trumpet Solos - Intermediate Level: Trumpet Solo: Instrumental
Trompette [Partition + Accès audio] - Intermédiaire
Rubank Publications