Romance for Violin, Cello & Orchestra
Romance for Violin, Cello & Orchestra
Bruno Miranda


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Bruno Miranda
Miranda, Bruno (1971 - )




Copyright Bruno Miranda © All rights reserved
Added by bruno-miranda, 18 Jun 2007
Violin and cello play the leading role in this piece, although it cannot be seen as a concerto for an instrument but as being part of a musical speech. The main theme, introduced by the violin and then by the cello, appears along the piece with rhythmic and melodic variations. This piece is essentially written in the classical period format and style although the orchestration shows traces of the romantic period.
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Comments (9)

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Bruno Miranda
Daniel–Omicrón Rodríguez García

Posted the at 04:55 by omicronrg9


Thank you for this piece, I would totally pay an orchestra to perform it if I could. I will read and listen to it carefully, various times.

Kind regards!
Bruno Miranda
Micheline Cumant

Posted the at 00:15 by micheline

Very beautiful music, romantic style ...

Posted the at 00:00
hi my dear
i,m conducter and i live in iran
i have a orchestra in Tehran (Capital)
i wanna perormance your music with my orchestr with your name
is it ok?

Posted the at 00:00
woah... im just a beginer... sir thnx for the score

Posted the at 00:00
Semplicemente fantastico!!!

Posted the at 00:00
Très belle composition, merci pour ce moment d'écoute. Un peu difficile pour le débutant que je suis mais j'espère bientôt pouvoir modestement tenter l'aventure de votre oeuvre.

Posted the at 09:34
Bonsoir Bruno,

Félicitations pour ce beau moment d'émotion procuré par votre romance Pour Cello et orchestre. Une pièce pleine de sensibilité.
Bruno Miranda
Victor Reny

Posted the at 09:34 by victor-reny

Very nice composition !
Bruno Miranda
Alexandre Pappas

Posted the at 09:34 by alexandre-pappas

Bonjour.bonnes bruno ma epate avec son conserto v,violencele,orchestre.romantique,bien
construit,je lecoute avec enorme plaisir.une piece qui vaut etre jouer dans une grande sale.avec un grand sias pas si sela a etait deja fait.une piece de musique de cinema epatente.bravo mr bruno.