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‹    India : Esraj

India : Esraj Accessories 1 Instrument 1 Strings 1
By BrandsThomann 3


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EQUIPMENT Traditional Instruments Indian Traditional Instruments
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3 accessories found - results for FRANCE (Change geographical area)

Thomann : Nataraj Esraj
Thomann Nataraj Esraj, bowed bowl-neck-lute from Northern India, wooden body carved from one piece of Cedrela Toona / Toona ciliata, strung with goat-leather, bridge made of buffalo-horn (Bubalus bubalis), arched metal-frets, one bowed melody strings and 4-6 sympathetic strings. 12-15 resonance stri...(+)
398.00€ - Sold by Thomann
In Stock (24 hours)
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Pour Thomann Nataraj Esraj- Rembourrée
33.00€ - Sold by Thomann
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Thomann : Nataraj Esraj Strings Set
Pour Thomann Nataraj Esraj
9.00€ - Sold by Thomann
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