Format : Sheet music + Audio access
SKU: BT.2003-14-400-M
ISBN 9789043137058. International.
This edition includes some of the best-loved Christmas melodies from various countries arranged for flute and piano. The melody runs twice through in different versions, each passage preceded by a prelude or interlude on the piano. On the CD, FrancoCesarini plays every piece with piano accompaniment once, followed by a play-along version that only contains the accompaniment.De meest populaire kerstliederen uit verschillende landen verzameld in een album. De nadruk ligt op Engels kerstliederen zoals The First Noel, The Holly and the Ivy, What Child is This?, e.a. Frankrijk wordt vertegenwoordigd door Les Angesdans nos campagnes en Cantique de Noel. En uiteraard mogen het beroemde Oostenrijkse Stille Nacht en het Amerikaanse Jingle Bells niet ontbreken in deze uitgave. Op de meegeleverde cd staan twee versies van ieder kerstlied:een volledige versie en de pianobegeleiding. Franco Cesarini arrangierte einige der beliebtesten weihnachtlichen Melodien aus verschiedenen Ländern zu kleinen weihnachtlichen Vortragstücken für Flöte und Klavier. Auf der CD läuft die Melodie in der Regel zweimal in unterschiedlichen Versionendurch, wobei jedem Durchgang ein Vor - bzw. Zwischenspiel des Klaviers vorausgeht. Franco Cesarini spielt jeden Titel einmal selbst komplett vor, dann folgt eine Begleitversion zum Mitspielen. Les plus beaux noëls ont été rassemblés dans ce livre par Franco Cesarini, idéalement arrangés pour Fl te Traversiére & Piano. La mélodie est jouée deux fois dans des versions différentes, chaque passage étant précédé dun prélude ouinterlude au piano. Sur le CD ci-joint, chaque titre paraît dabord en version intégrale, pous dans une seconde version ne comportant que laccomagnement au piano. Un´edizione che raccoglie alcune delle melodie natalizie più amate provenienti da vari paesi. L´accento è posto sui canti natalizi inglesi quali The First Noel, The Holly And the Ivy, What Child is this e altri. La Francia è rappresentata daLes Anges dans nos campagnes e dal Cantique de Noel. Non possono mancare l´austriaca Stille Nacht e Jingle Bells dagli Stati Uniti. La melodia è generalmente proposta in due versioni: ogni passaggio è preceduto da unpreludio o da un interludio al piano.
SKU: BT.DHP-1012564-700
ISBN 9789043112420. English-German-French-Dutch.
The BAND TIME series consists of a number of books containing easy pieces suitable for youth band. BAND TIME Starter is intended for the first year of band playing and includes four-part pieces in many different styles. The difficulty of the pieces increases in parallel with the material covered in the first part of the Look, Listen & Learn method. The first three works, however, are three-part pieces in order to accommodate the limited range of notes available at this stage. The BAND TIME series is suitable for various combinations of instruments provided that the parts are divided in a sensible way (for concert band, fanfare band or brass band). The material for alto saxophone, trombone and baritone/euphonium/bass clarinet is divided into parts 1 and 2 in order to cover all voices using the most popular instruments.De serie Band Time is ontwikkeld om kinderen vroeg kennis te laten maken met het samenspel in een blaasorkest. Band time Starter maakt dit al in het eerste jaar mogelijk. Deze uitgave bevat vierstemmige stukken in diversestijlen- de eerste drie stukken zijn drie stemmig, aangespast aan de vaardigheden van de beginnende leerling. De moeilijkheidsgraad en de muzikale inhoud zijn gebasseerd op Horen, Lezen & Spelen. In de partituur staatuitgelegd hoe u de serie optimaal benut en hoe de instrumentatie in uw specifieke bezetting het best kan worden toegepast. Op de los verkrijgbare cd worden de stukken door een harmonieorkest voorgespeeld, zodat de leerlingen thuiseen goede indruk krijgen van hoe de stukken klinken. Ze kunnen zelf meespelen of ernaar luisteren. Dit zal de motifatie (en het studieresultaat) bevorderen.Parallel zu den ersten Stunden Instrumentalunterricht werden die jungen Musiker mit den Stücken dieser Sammlung für das Spielen im Anfängerorchester motiviert. BAND TIME Starter eignet sich für das erste Jahr im Blasorchester und enthält vierstimmige Stücke in vielen verschiedenen Stilen. Der allmählich fortschreitende Schwierigkeitsgrad entspricht dem Stoff der Bläserschule Hören, lesen und spielen Band 1, kann aber auch gut unabhängig davon eingesetzt werden. Die ersten drei Stücke passen sich mit ihren lediglich drei Stimmen dem noch begrenzten Tonumfang an, über den die Schüler in diesem Stadium verfügen. Aus dem gleichen Grund weichen manchmaldieselben Stimmen für unterschiedliche Instrumente leicht voneinander ab. Geringfügige Abweichungen erklären sich außerdem aus manchen besonderen Bedingungen bei einem bestimmten Instrument, zum Beispiel schwierige Tonfolgen. Passend zu der Reihe ist eine CD erhältlich, mit deren Unterstützung die Schüler zu Hause mit richtiger Orchesterbegleitung spielen können. Ein schnellerer Erfolg ist damit gesichert! L'Obiettivo della collana BAND TIME è quello di motivare i giovani musicisti a suonare in una banda principiante o giovanile. BAND TIME Starter e il suo seguito BAND TIME Expert, come anche i brani natalizi raccolti in BAND TIME Christmas propongono brani in vari generi musicali che seguono il livello di difficolt crescente proposto del metodo Ascolta, leggi & suona (possono essere usati anche separatamente). I brani sono eseguibili gi a partire da un organico di tre o quattro elementi. per ogni collana è disponibile separatamente un CD con gli accompagnamenti orchestrali. Per la lista degli strumenti disponibili visitate il nostro sito.
ISBN 9781491152553. UPC: 680160910052. Key: Bb major.
Festival March is presented in a new edition arranged by Richard Summers. It is a tour de force composition for advanced bands and hearkens back to a bygone era during the golden age of the band movement. Directors and students will hear operatic music from composer Victor Herbert who is best known for his Christmas classic, Toyland. This is a richly scored masterpiece that deserves to return to standard status in concert band repertoire. We are proud to bring you this new setting of this cherished classic.Festival March by Victor Herbert was written for the Pittsburgh Symphony and first performed under Herbert’s direction in Chicago on Dec. 9, 1901 celebrating the 12th anniversary of Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre. Also known as the Auditorium Festival March, he included it many times for programs of a festival nature. The main theme Auld Lang Syne, a famous Scottish folk song, is incorporated many times along with brass fanfares, interludes and march melodies. This band arrangement is very similar to the original orchestral composition. The missing string parts, the addition of the saxophone section and other band instruments, editing of the superimposed triplets against sixteenth notes, to one or the other, and articulations suitable for the band, were major challenges. The style of early twentieth-century American music is captured here. This arrangement will give band musicians access to a fine piece of music that could only be appreciated by orchestra musicians up to now. Although suitable for many occasions, this piece is a great way to begin or end a December holiday concert.  Notes to the ConductorVictor Herbert’s music can be interpreted in a romantic style, which is the conductor’s responsibility to read in nuance and musicality. The beginning and other triple-tonguing sections of this piece have a March of the Toys quality to it.  The interludes and Auld Lang Syne sections are legato and musical. The March sections can also be shaped musically.About the ComposerVictor Herbert was born in Ireland in 1861 and raised in Germany. When he moved to America in 1886, he joined the Metropolitan Opera as principal cellist and eventually composed many works including forty-three operettas on Broadway from the 1890s to World War I, including Naughty Marietta and Babes in Toyland. Victor Herbert conducted the Pittsburgh Symphony from 1898 to 1904 and then was the conductor of his own Victor Herbert Orchestra. He formed ASCAP with a group of composers in 1914 and was the director until his death in 1924. Among his thirty-one compositions for orchestra, Festival March was a favorite of his and was eventually published by Carl Fischer Music.  .
ISBN 9781491153239. UPC: 680160910731.
Festival March is presented in a new edition arranged by Richard Summers. It is a tour de force composition for advanced bands and hearkens back to a bygone era during the golden age of the band movement. Directors and students will hear operatic music from composer Victor Herbert who is best known for his Christmas classic, Toyland. This is a richly scored masterpiece that deserves to return to standard status in concert band repertoire. We are proud to bring you this new setting of this cherished classic.About the CompositionFestival March by Victor Herbert was written for the Pittsburgh Symphony and first performed under Herbert’s direction in Chicago on Dec. 9, 1901 celebrating the 12th anniversary of Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre. Also known as the Auditorium Festival March, he included it many times for programs of a festival nature. The main theme Auld Lang Syne, a famous Scottish folk song, is incorporated many times along with brass fanfares, interludes and march melodies. This band arrangement is very similar to the original orchestral composition. The missing string parts, the addition of the saxophone section and other band instruments, editing of the superimposed triplets against sixteenth notes, to one or the other, and articulations suitable for the band, were major challenges. The style of early twentieth-century American music is captured here. This arrangement will give band musicians access to a fine piece of music that could only be appreciated by orchestra musicians up to now. Although suitable for many occasions, this piece is a great way to begin or end a December holiday concert.  Notes to the ConductorVictor Herbert’s music can be interpreted in a romantic style, which is the conductor’s responsibility to read in nuance and musicality. The beginning and other triple-tonguing sections of this piece have a March of the Toys quality to it.  The interludes and Auld Lang Syne sections are legato and musical. The March sections can also be shaped musically.About the ComposerVictor Herbert was born in Ireland in 1861 and raised in Germany. When he moved to America in 1886, he joined the Metropolitan Opera as principal cellist and eventually composed many works including forty-three operettas on Broadway from the 1890s to World War I, including Naughty Marietta and Babes in Toyland. Victor Herbert conducted the Pittsburgh Symphony from 1898 to 1904 and then was the conductor of his own Victor Herbert Orchestra. He formed ASCAP with a group of composers in 1914 and was the director until his death in 1924. Among his thirty-one compositions for orchestra, Festival March was a favorite of his and was eventually published by Carl Fischer Music.  .
SKU: HL.49045702
The best known Christmas songs in easy arrangements for lessons and enjoying at home. Can be used in combination with the parallel editions providing a large variety of performance possibilities. Lyrics and chord symbols are provided throughout allowing guitarists and singers to join in. Also available: Editions for 1-2 descant recorders (49007649), 2 flutes (49007726), 2 violins (49005723), 2 violas (49007650), 2 cellos (49005770), piano(very easy: 49015170, easy: 49045334).
SKU: KN.52190S
In this popular arrangement of the Christmas holiday classic, solo piano introduces the famous melody in a legit style before a full-group rendering takes over. Playing with very crisp articulations and striking dynamic contrasts throughout is essential for best performance results.