Hal Leonard DJ Method$12.99 - See more - Buy online Lead time before shipment : 24 hours - In Stock Format : Sheet music + Audio access DJ Instruction. DJ, Method.
Softcover Video Online.
Published by Hal Leonard Videos :
Publisher : Hal LeonardISBN 9781540049568. 9x12 inches. The Hal Leonard DJ Method is designed for anyone interested in learning how to successfully host recorded music for an audience at events, parties, clubs and beyond. This easy-to-use beginner's guide serves as an introduction to the gear, skills and must-know info required of today's DJ. It features many photos and diagrams, plus nearly two hours of video lessons with full demonstrations by author DJ Bizzon! Topics covered include: DJ equipment and setup - using turntables - using CDJs - using DJ controllers with Serato DJ - identifying song attributes - tempo and BPM - counting bars - scratching techniques - mastering song transitions - building a set - and more.