Left Hand Proficiency
Left Hand Proficiency
Arnoldo Sartorio

Piano solo

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Arnoldo Sartorio
Sartorio, Arnoldo (1853 - 1936)

Piano solo



Publisher Theodore Presser, 1921
Copyright Public Domain
Added by FS, 21 Sep 2023
20 pieces:
1. Lonesome Hours. - Arnoldo Sartorio
2. Barcarolle from: The Dumb Girl of Portici - Daniel François Esprit Auber
3. Twilight Song. - Arnoldo Sartorio
4. March from: Tannhäuser - Richard Wagner
5. Heart Wishes - Arnoldo Sartorio
6. Aria from: The Magic Flute - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
7. Repartee - Arnoldo Sartorio
8. Aria of Eurydice from: Orpheus - Christoph Willibald Gluck
9. Voice of Spring - Arnoldo Sartorio
10. Pilgrim's Chorus fr...
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