| Complete Transcriptions Red Book Band Scores Handelsware
SKU: M7.HLS-675422 Composed by The Beatles. Sheet music. Performance book...(+)
SKU: M7.HLS-675422 Composed by The Beatles. Sheet music. Performance book. 64 pages. Handelsware #HLS 675422. Published by Handelsware (M7.HLS-675422). English. $21.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Per chi inizia il basso funk Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0483 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0483 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2024. Play Music Italy #MI0483. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0483). Italian. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Líneas de bajo latino evolutivas Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MS0460 Composed by Bruno Tejeiro. Studies & Exercises...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MS0460 Composed by Bruno Tejeiro. Studies & Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2024. Play Music Spain #MS0460. Published by Play Music Spain (BT.MS0460). Spanish. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Improvising Bass Guitar Book 2 Bass guitar [Sheet music + CD] London College Of Music
Bass Guitar - easy SKU: BT.REG9781898466321 Intermediate. Composed...(+)
Bass Guitar - easy SKU: BT.REG9781898466321 Intermediate. Composed by Tony Skinner. Exam Material. Book with CD. London College Music #REG9781898466321. Published by London College Music (BT.REG9781898466321). ISBN 9781898466321. English. Ideal for intermediate bass guitar players, the book covers several styles of bass playing with example music in both the book and on the provided audio CD. Written as a practice aid for the improvisation part of the LCM Bass Guitar exam, the sections are expertly designed to progress at the perfect pace for the intermediate player. The CD backing tracks are all professionally recorded and cover a wide range of styles from the last three decades. The book enables the reader to develop bassline creation skills, explaining the necessary theory along the way using tablature, notation and diagrams. Whether or not you intend to take an LCM bass exams, this book is simply the bestintroduction to improvising bass guitar. $16.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Come arricchire una linea di basso Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0473 Composed by Sergio Ferrante. Studies & Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0473 Composed by Sergio Ferrante. Studies & Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2024. Play Music Italy #MI0473. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0473). Italian. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Rgt Bass Guitar Playing- Advanced Grades Bass guitar - Advanced London College Of Music
Bass Guitar - advanced SKU: BT.REG9781898466130 Composed by Tony Skinner....(+)
Bass Guitar - advanced SKU: BT.REG9781898466130 Composed by Tony Skinner. Exam Material. Book Only. London College Music #REG9781898466130. Published by London College Music (BT.REG9781898466130). ISBN 9781898466734. English. This volume covers all the material required for three Bass Guitar grades and includes useful advice and tips about preparing for London College of Music Bass Guitar examinations. Whether or not you intend to take a bass guitar exam the handbooks will help you develop your playing, increase your knowledge of specialist bass guitar techniques and provide a sound theoretical basis to enable you to achieve your full potential as a bassist. $20.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| RGT Bass Guitar Playing Early Grades Preliminary Bass guitar - Intermediate London College Of Music
Bass Guitar - intermediate SKU: BT.REG9781898466726 Grades 2. Exam...(+)
Bass Guitar - intermediate SKU: BT.REG9781898466726 Grades 2. Exam Material. Book Only. Composed 2019. London College Music #REG9781898466726. Published by London College Music (BT.REG9781898466726). English. This volume covers all the material required for three Bass Guitar grades and includes useful advice and tips about preparing for London College of Music Bass Guitar examinations. Whether or not you intend to take a bass guitar exam the handbooks will help you develop your playing, increase your knowledge of specialist bass guitar techniques and provide a sound theoretical basis to enable you to achieve your full potential as a bassist. $18.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Improvising Bass Guitar Book 1 Bass guitar [Sheet music + CD] London College Of Music
Bass Guitar - easy SKU: BT.REG9781898466314 Early Stages. Exam Mat...(+)
Bass Guitar - easy SKU: BT.REG9781898466314 Early Stages. Exam Material. Book with CD. London College Music #REG9781898466314. Published by London College Music (BT.REG9781898466314). ISBN 9781898466314. English. Ideal for beginners, the book covers several styles of bass playing with example music in both the book and on the provided audio CD. Written as a practice aid for the improvisation part of the LCM Bass Guitar exam, the sections are expertly designed to progress at the perfect pace for the early grades player. The CD backing tracks are all professionally recorded and cover a wide range of styles from the last three decades. The book enables the reader to develop bassline creation skills, explaining the necessary theory along the way using tablature, notation and diagrams. Whether or not you intend to take an LCM bass exams, this book is simply the best introduction to improvisingbass guitar. $15.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Fills et créativité à la basse Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MF0515 Composed by Bruno Tauzin. Studies & Exercises....(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MF0515 Composed by Bruno Tauzin. Studies & Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2024. Play Music Publishing #MF0515. Published by Play Music Publishing (BT.MF0515). French. $15.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Bass Therapy - Vol. 1 Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Sinfonica Jazz
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.SINF457 Tecniche e consigli per la costruzione di ...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.SINF457 Tecniche e consigli per la costruzione di linee di basso. Composed by Pierpaolo Ranieri. Book with Online Audio. 88 pages. Sinfonica #SINF457. Published by Sinfonica (BT.SINF457). ISBN 9788884003645. Italian. Tecniche e consigli per la costruzione di linee di basso Un metodo per la costruzione di linee di basso e per rendere musicali i concetti tecnici e teorici. Allinterno tanti esercizi e basi musicali, ognuna delle quali registrata sia con ilbasso che senza, per studiare e approfondire i vari argomenti tra cui: Triadi maggiori, minori, diminuite e aumentate, Accordi a quattro voci, Durata delle note, Ghost notes, Studio degli ottavi, Accenti, Elaborazione dei groove, Esercizi tecnici peril tocco e per lagilit della mano destra. CD allegato con basi Minus One. $14.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| La escala menor en el bajo Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MS0421 Composed by Bruno Tejeiro. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MS0421 Composed by Bruno Tejeiro. Studies and Exercises. Book with Online Audio. Composed 2022. Play Music Spain #MS0421. Published by Play Music Spain (BT.MS0421). Spanish. $12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| La scala maggiore sul basso Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0418 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0418 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Online Audio. Composed 2020. Play Music Italy #MI0418. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0418). Italian. Con questo metodo, potrete finalmente imparare e soprattutto capire come utilizzare la scala maggiore sul basso, nonché scoprire tutto il suo potenziale melodico per sfruttarla al meglio. Dopo alcune pagine indispensabili dedicate alla teoria, affronterete quindi queste 12 scale maggiori, che ogni bassista deve saper padroneggiare, in maniera coerente ed efficace. Per ogni scala troverete sulla pagina di sinistra il nome e la collocazione delle note sulla tastiera del basso (22 tasti), nonché gli accordi sui quali tale scala potr essere suonata in tutta sicurezza. Sulla pagina di destra, scoprirete, per illustrare quanto imparato, una lunga linea di basso che utilizza questa solaed unica scala. Viene accompagnata da due registrazioni (da scaricare): la prima vi permette di ascoltare lââ¬â¢esempio, mentre la seconda propone la base musicale corrispondente. Potrete quindi suonare sulla base musicale non solo lââ¬â¢esempio proposto ma anche qualsiasi altra linea di basso creata da voi stessiââ¬Â¦ ricavata dalla scala maggiore in questione, ovviamente! Tutte le registrazioni di questo metodo (linee di basso e basi musicali) possono essere scaricate gratuitamente e molto facilmente seguendo le indicazioni fornite nel libro. $12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Bass Unlimited Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Edition Dux Verlag
E-bass SKU: M7.DUX-790 Ein umfassendes Arbeitsbuch für E-Bass. Composed by And...(+)
SKU: M7.DUX-790
Ein umfassendes Arbeitsbuch für E-Bass. Composed by Andy Mayerl. This edition: Ring/Spiral binding. Sheet music with audio. Book and online audio. 308 pages. Edition Dux Verlag #DUX 790. Published by Edition Dux Verlag (M7.DUX-790).
ISBN 9783934958500. German.
'Bass Unlimited' beinhaltet alle Stilistiken und Techniken des modernen E-Bass-Spiels mit dazugehörigen Grooves, Beispielen und Ãbungen. Beginnend mit den Grundlagen des Instruments und der Notenschrift, über den speziell auf E-Bass abgestimmten Theorie-Teil und einem ausführlichen Slap-Bass-Teil, bis hin zu vielen Themen des Musiker-Alltags. Der Audio-Download mit mehr als 180 Tracks bietet viele Ãbungen und Grooves sowie über 40 Play-alongs zum Mitspielen. Die kostenlose BASS UNLIMITED-App (iOS und Android) macht das Ãben und Arbeiten mit dem Buch noch einfacher.
$57.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Rockschool Bass Grade 1 (2018) Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Rock School Limited (RSL)
(Bass Guitar) SKU: HL.14079848 Bass. Softcover Audio Online. Duration 240...(+)
(Bass Guitar) SKU: HL.14079848 Bass. Softcover Audio Online. Duration 240 seconds. Rockschool #RSK200052. Published by Rockschool (HL.14079848). UPC: 196288095149. 9.0x12.0x0.212 inches. $26.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Bass Bible In Italiano Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Volonte and Co
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.VOLMB174 La storia degli stili e delle tecniche da...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.VOLMB174 La storia degli stili e delle tecniche dal mondo. Composed by Westwood. Book with Online Audio. Volonte e Co #VOLMB174. Published by Volonte e Co (BT.VOLMB174). ISBN 9788863881707. Italian. $35.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 50 Tunes for Bass Volume 1 Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
Bass guitar - Beginning-Intermediate SKU: MB.99940M Traditional, Old T...(+)
Bass guitar - Beginning-Intermediate SKU: MB.99940M Traditional, Old Time, Bluegrass and Celtic Solos. Composed by Mark Geslison. Upright Bass, Country, Bluegrass, Perfect binding, Tunebooks, Celtic / Irish, World. Style. Book and online audio. 176 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #99940M. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.99940M). ISBN 9780786693962. UPC: 786693967. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. 50 Tunes Volume 1 for Bass is one book in a 5-book series. The 50 Tunes series is a collection of Bluegrass, Old Time and Celtic tunes for ensembles, families and individuals. This book contains the same 50 tunes as those found in the other 4 books of the series, but carefully designed for the bass. The parts in this book range from beginner to advanced and are arranged in basic, active and solo levels. Basic, a standard accompaniment mode is the simplest level of bass playing. Active bass is a mixture of basic accompaniment and walking which is common in jazz music. Solo bass--which involves fast, syncopated melodic phrases - is the most complex level of bass playing. All parts are written in standard bass clef notation and 4-line bass tablature. Tunes recorded by full band, not all instruments featured in every song. Includes access to extended length online audio. $29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Bass Therapy - Vol. 3 Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Sinfonica Jazz
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.SINF530 Composed by Pierpaolo Ranieri. Method. Book w...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.SINF530 Composed by Pierpaolo Ranieri. Method. Book with Online Audio. 88 pages. Sinfonica #SINF530. Published by Sinfonica (BT.SINF530). ISBN 9788884004611. Italian. $14.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| La scala pentatonica maggiore sul basso Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0468 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0468 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Online Audio. Composed 2022. Play Music Italy #MI0468. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0468). Italian. $12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| E-Bass Praxis Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Music Distribution Services
Electric bass SKU: M7.ART-42026 Vom Akkordsymbol zur perfekten Basslin...(+)
Electric bass SKU: M7.ART-42026 Vom Akkordsymbol zur perfekten Basslinie. Sheet music with Online material. Method. 160 pages. MDS (Music Distribution Services) #ART 42026. Published by MDS (Music Distribution Services) (M7.ART-42026). ISBN 9783866420267. German. Die Anzeigenblätter, Internetforen und schwarzen Bretter sind voll mit Bands, die einen Bassisten suchen. Im Gegensatz zu Gitarristen und Schlagzeugern sind Bassisten immer noch Mangelware. 'E-Bass Praxis' ist der Nachfolgeband der Lehrbücher 'www.four-strings.de - Vol. 1 und Vol. 2'. Dieses Buch bereitet Dich auf die Anforderungen in einer Band vor und vermittelt Dir alles Wissen und Können, welches man als Bassist im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Instrumenten haben muss. Ich zeige Dir welche Aufgaben der Bass im Bandkontext erfüllen muss, wie man mit einem Schlagzeuger zusammen ein rhythmisches Fundament bildet und wie man die Akkorde der Gitarristen oder Keyboarder in groovende Basslinien verwandelt. 'E-Bass Praxis' macht Dich fit für deine Band! Unter www.artist-ahead-download.de stehen alle Playalongs, Hörbeispiele und ÃÅbungen als Audio- und MP3-Dateien zum Download zur Verfügung. $26.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Cómo adornar una línea de bajo Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MS0473 Composed by Miguel Rosendo. Studies and Exerci...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MS0473 Composed by Miguel Rosendo. Studies and Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2023. Play Music Spain #MS0473. Published by Play Music Spain (BT.MS0473). Spanish. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Songbook Basse Funky Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MF0495 Composed by Bruno Tauzin. Book with Video-Onli...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MF0495 Composed by Bruno Tauzin. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2023. Play Music Publishing #MF0495. Published by Play Music Publishing (BT.MF0495). French. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Backing Tracks Slow blues per il basso Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0494 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0494 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2023. Play Music Italy #MI0494. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0494). Italian. $12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Linee di basso blues evolutive Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0459 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0459 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2023. Play Music Italy #MI0459. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0459). $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Per chi inizia gli accordi sul basso Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0406 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0406 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2023. Play Music Italy #MI0406. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0406). Italian. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Primi accompagnamenti di basso Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Play Music Publishing
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0411 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercis...(+)
Bass Guitar SKU: BT.MI0411 Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Video-Online. Composed 2023. Play Music Italy #MI0411. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0411). Italian. $19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
Next page 1 31 61 91 ... 1291 |
| Picking Basics
Deutsch Bass guitar Acoustic Music Books
Method for Guitar
Introduction to the playing technique of the fingerpicking/fin...(+)
Method for Guitar
Introduction to the playing technique of the fingerpicking/fingerstyle guitar
By Hans Westermeier
In standard notation and tablature
ISBN 9783931453756, ISMN 9790700070755
Format: DIN A4
80 Pages
In German language
Includes CD with demo and play-along versions / Acoustic Music Books
28.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Soul Essentials Bass
Deutsch Bass guitar
Method for Bass Guitar
500 Bass patterns in all keys
By Alfred Kallfass
Method for Bass Guitar
500 Bass patterns in all keys
By Alfred Kallfass
Suitable for lessons and self-study
Learn and improve sight-reading
In standard notation
With chords
Easy to advanced level of difficulty
ISBN 9783000654107
Format: DIN A4
70 Pages
Includes QR code for play-alongs (70 of them as video) and tabs / Alfred Kallfass
26.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Charlie Parker Omnibook
BC Bass Clef Instruments - Intermediate/advanced Hal Leonard
Songbook for Bass Clef Instruments
60 Pieces by Charlie Parker as lead sheets fo...(+)
Songbook for Bass Clef Instruments
60 Pieces by Charlie Parker as lead sheets for bass clef instruments
With chords
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISBN 9780769260518, publisher's no. AM 66911
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
Spiral binding
144 Pages / Atlantic Music
33.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann | |
| Metallica Black Album
Bass Bass guitar - Intermediate Cherry Lane
Songbook for Bass
12 Songs from Metallica's "Black Album" originally transcribed...(+)
Songbook for Bass
12 Songs from Metallica's "Black Album" originally transcribed for bass
In standard notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISBN 9780895246998, publisher's no. AM 939796
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
68 Pages / Cherry Lane Music Company
30.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Tower of Power for Bass Bass guitar Cherry Lane
Song Book
Artist: Prestia Francis ‘Rocco’
Bass tablature, notation and vocal...(+)
Song Book
Artist: Prestia Francis ‘Rocco’
Bass tablature, notation and vocals
Original transcriptions of 15 Tower Of Power hits for bass / Cherry Lane Music Company
38.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Queen The Bass Guitar
Collect Bass guitar - Intermediate Hal Leonard
Songbook for Bass
18 Songs by Queen originally transcribed for bass
In notation ...(+)
Songbook for Bass
18 Songs by Queen originally transcribed for bass
In notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISBN 9780793548804, publisher's no. HL690065
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
98 Pages / Hal Leonard
37.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Best of Queen Band Band Scores Hal Leonard
Queen Songbook
15 Songs by Queen
Complete band edition
Originally transcribed fo...(+)
Queen Songbook
15 Songs by Queen
Complete band edition
Originally transcribed for guitar, bass, drums, keyboard and vocals
ISBN 9780634087943, publisher's no. HL672538
Format: 21.5 x 28 cm
224 Pages / Hal Leonard
33.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Rock Bass Bass guitar AMA Verlag
Method for Bass
For Rock, Blues, Reggae, Funk and Jazz
By Jäcki Reznicek
ISBN 9...(+)
Method for Bass
For Rock, Blues, Reggae, Funk and Jazz
By Jäcki Reznicek
ISBN 9783927190054, ISMN 9790700136307, publisher's no. AMA 610108
Format: 21 x 30 cm
147 Pages
Includes CD with demo recordings / AMA Verlag
29.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Bible
Deutsch Bass guitar AMA Verlag
Coursebook for Electric Bass
By Paul Westwood
In standard notation and tablature...(+)
Coursebook for Electric Bass
By Paul Westwood
In standard notation and tablature
With chords and fingering diagrams
ISBN 9783927190849, publisher's no. AM 610181
Format: 21 x 30 cm
286 Pages
In German
Includes 2 CDs with demo recordings / AMA Verlag
48.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Bible E Bass guitar AMA Verlag
Instructional Book for Bass
By Paul Westwood
ISBN 9783927190672, ISMN 9790700136...(+)
Instructional Book for Bass
By Paul Westwood
ISBN 9783927190672, ISMN 9790700136963, publisher's no. AMA 610164 E
Format: 21 x 30 cm
285 Pages
In English
Includes 2 CDs with demo and play-along tracks / AMA Verlag
48.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Bible 2
Bass guitar AMA Verlag
Method for Bass Guitar
Part 2 from the series for bass
By Paul Westwood
ISBN: 97...(+)
Method for Bass Guitar
Part 2 from the series for bass
By Paul Westwood
ISBN: 9783899222937
Publisher's No.: AMA 610560
Format: 21 x 30 cm
Pages: 354
In German and English language
Includes 3 CDs with demo- and play-along tracks / AMA Verlag
55.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Plektrum-Bass
Deutsch Bass guitar Alfred Publishing
Method for Electric Bass
Learn techniques for playing bass with a plectrum
By Ch...(+)
Method for Electric Bass
Learn techniques for playing bass with a plectrum
By Christoph Herder
For 4- and 5-string instruments
ISBN 9783947998210, publisher's no. ALF 20287G
Format: 21 x 30 cm
128 Pages
Includes a CD with practice pieces and play-alongs / Alfred Music Publishing
26.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Matrix
Deutsch Bass guitar Alfred Publishing
Coursebook for Electric Bass
For rhythm, bassline and groove design
By Philipp R...(+)
Coursebook for Electric Bass
For rhythm, bassline and groove design
By Philipp Rehm
ISBN 9783947998142, publisher's no. ALF 20281G
Format: 21 x 29 cm
296 Pages
In German
Incl. CD and online audio material / Alfred Music Publishing
28.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Pantera: Bass Anthology Bass guitar - Intermediate Alfred Publishing
Songbook for Electric Bass
Pantera: Bass Anthology Series: 18 songs by Pantera f...(+)
Songbook for Electric Bass
Pantera: Bass Anthology Series: 18 songs by Pantera for bass
In standard notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISBN 9780769282886, publisher's no. ALF 0356B
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
116 Pages / Alfred Music Publishing
33.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Matrix English
Version Bass guitar Alfred Publishing
Method for Electric Bass
For rhythm, bassline and groove design
By Philipp Rehm
Method for Electric Bass
For rhythm, bassline and groove design
By Philipp Rehm
ISBN: 9783947998155, publisher's no. ALF 20281US
Format: 21 x 29 cm
296 Pages
In German
Incl. CD and online audio material / Alfred Music Publishing
28.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Garantiert Walking Bass
Deutsch Bass guitar Alfred Publishing
Course Book for Bass
Walking bass for electric- and double bass
By Eddi Andreas
Course Book for Bass
Walking bass for electric- and double bass
By Eddi Andreas
Book title: Jazz-Harmonik leicht verständlich und praxisnah erklärt (Jazz harmonics explained: easy and practical)
ISBN 9783933136305, publisher's no. ALF 20113G
Format: 21 x 30 cm
Spiral binding
120 Pages
In German
Includes CD with play-along recordings / Alfred Music Publishing
26.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Modern Electric Bass Bass guitar Alfred Publishing
Method for Electric Bass
Note-for-note transcriptions of the lessons from the ac...(+)
Method for Electric Bass
Note-for-note transcriptions of the lessons from the accompanying video
By Jaco Pastorius
ISBN: 9781470633448, publisher's no. ALF 45260
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
32 Pages
Includes CD and online video / Alfred Music Publishing
29.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| All About Bass Bass guitar - Beginner Hal Leonard
Method for Bass
For beginners
By Chad Johnson
In standard notation and tablature...(+)
Method for Bass
For beginners
By Chad Johnson
In standard notation and tablature
ISBN 9781423408178, publisher's no. HL695930
Format: DIN A4
208 Pages
In English language
Includes download with demo and play-along versions / Hal Leonard
33.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Rock Bass Bible Bass guitar - Intermediate Hal Leonard
Songbook for Electric Bass
35 Songs originally transcribed for bass
In standard ...(+)
Songbook for Electric Bass
35 Songs originally transcribed for bass
In standard notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Medium difficulty level
ISBN 9780634022166, publisher's no. HL690446
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
200 Pages / Hal Leonard
34.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Metal Bass Tabs Bass guitar - Intermediate Hal Leonard
Songbook for electric bass
18 Metal songs originally transcribed for bass
Songbook for electric bass
18 Metal songs originally transcribed for bass
Medium difficulty level
ISBN 9781476818528, publisher's no. HL103358
Format: DIN A4
144 Pages / Hal Leonard
35.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Play-Along Chili
Peppers Bass guitar Hal Leonard
Songbook for Bass
8 Songs by the Red Hot Chili Peppers arranged for bass
In stan...(+)
Songbook for Bass
8 Songs by the Red Hot Chili Peppers arranged for bass
In standard notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Medium difficulty level
ISBN 9781458421494, publisher's no. HL702991
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
80 Pages
Includes download with demo and play-along versions / Hal Leonard
33.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Iron Maiden Bass
Anthology Bass guitar - Intermediate Hal Leonard
Songbook for Bass
20 Songs by Iron Maiden originally transcribed for bass
In sta...(+)
Songbook for Bass
20 Songs by Iron Maiden originally transcribed for bass
In standard notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Medium level of difficulty
ISBN 9781423420453, publisher's no. HL690867
Format: DIN A4
200 Pages / Hal Leonard
38.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Essential Elements Band
Bass Bass guitar Hal Leonard
School for Bass
Coursebook for playing bass in a band
By Tim Lautzenheiser, Joh...(+)
School for Bass
Coursebook for playing bass in a band
By Tim Lautzenheiser, John Higgins, Tom C. Rhodes and Donald Bierschenk
Compatible with all editions of the "Essential Elements 2000" series
ISBN: 9780634003264, Publisher's no. HL862581
Format: DIN A4
48 Pages
In English language
Includes download with demo and play-along recordings / Hal Leonard
17.50 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Red Hot Chili Blood Bass Bass guitar Hal Leonard
Songbook for Electric Bass
All 17 songs of the Red Hot Chili Peppers album "Bloo...(+)
Songbook for Electric Bass
All 17 songs of the Red Hot Chili Peppers album "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" originally transcribed for bass
In standard notation and tablature
With lyrics and chords
Upper level of difficulty
ISBN 9780793559763, publisher's no. HLE690064
Format: DIN A4
64 Pages / Hal Leonard
34.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Bass Method Complete
Edition Bass guitar - Beginner Hal Leonard
Course Book for Bass
For beginners
By Ed Friedland
Includes all 3 books of the t...(+)
Course Book for Bass
For beginners
By Ed Friedland
Includes all 3 books of the textbook series
In standard notation and partly in tablature
With chords and fingering diagrams
ISBN 9780793563838, publisher's no. HL695074
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
144 Pages
Spiral binding
In English
Includes download with demo and play-along versions / Hal Leonard
41.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| Jaco Pastorius Bass
Signature Bass guitar Hal Leonard
Songbook for electric bass
Step-by-step guide to the styles and techniques of Ja...(+)
Songbook for electric bass
Step-by-step guide to the styles and techniques of Jaco Pastorius
By Dan Towey
With riffs and solos from 12 songs
In standard notation and tablature
With chords
Medium to advanced level of difficulty
ISBN 9780634017520, publisher's no. HL695544
Format: DIN A4
56 Pages
In English language
Includes CD with demo versions / Hal Leonard
33.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
| The Essential Jaco
Pastorius Bass guitar - Intermediate/advanced Hal Leonard
Songbook for Electric Bass
16 Songs by Jaco Pastorius originally transcribed for...(+)
Songbook for Electric Bass
16 Songs by Jaco Pastorius originally transcribed for electric bass
In standard notation and tablature
With chords
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISBN 9780634017674, publisher's no. HL00690420
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
104 Pages / Hal Leonard
37.00 EUR - Sold by Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock | |
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