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Rodríguez García, Daniel–OmicrónDaniel–Omicrón Rodríguez García
Spain Spain, Fuenlabrada
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Obra Menor Nº32
Daniel–Omicrón Rodríguez García

Flute, Oboe, Bb Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano
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Daniel–Omicrón Rodríguez García
Daniel–Omicrón Rodríguez García (2000 - )

Flute, Oboe, Bb Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano


Modern classical

KeyC minor
CopyrightCopyright © Daniel–Omícrón Rodríguez García
Since I am working again on a more or less big work and there is only one "new" piece that I have not uploaded here, I thought it would be clever to rescue some of my old ones. Let me know what you think of this one; the sound has lots of room for improvement, and my scoring style has changed since that now far 2020.

Regarding the score itself, it's perfectly playable but the engraving is not as exhaustive as my most recent piano pieces maybe. If you happen to have listened to some of m...
Added by omicronrg9, 14 Dec 2022

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Informations of Daniel–Omicrón Rodríguez García
Website created!
Written on 2022-10-27 by omicronrg9
Hi again. I have found the time to make a simple website in google sites that will act as a provisional place to put my accordion and piano arrangements. Some cannot be uploaded here properly (I had no luck trying, I don't know if it's copyright or what, but they are original arrangements and I give proper credit to the authors of the original piece) so they will stay here. They are mostly arrangements of more or less popular or folk pieces for various accordions. Additionally, it is fully in Spanish, a language not supported here, so I believe it will be a good complement for my profile here.

Here it is: omicronrg9/

Kind regards!

My website
First set of nocturnes finished.
Written on 2022-10-10 by omicronrg9
I hardly believe anybody will read this but I just found this option and thought giving it a try wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm leaving these comments for the record.

So, today, after delaying it too much, I have finished my first set of nocturnes. 20/23 are already published here and the 21st is under review right now. I never thought that what I started around March 2022 as a pair of pieces for my friends to practice would end in an entire set of nocturnes.

22nd and 23rd costed me too much time. I suppose that a mix of weariness, things happening in real life and the feeling of being overwhelmed by my own creation (the 20th nocturne) and hence kind of empty in terms of new ideas delayed months what was supposed to take a week or two.

But it's done. It's finally done, and I somewhat feel exhausted and confused. I did have plans on what to compose after finishing with this set but right now I don't see them as clear as before.

To whoever has read this and very likely has listened to any nocturne (or other piece) of mine, thank you. I hope you found it decent. Regardless, I will keep composing. It seems like a never-ending trip that I enjoy a lot.

Kind regards,
Daniel–Ømicrón .
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