Pool, HenryHenry Pool
États-Unis États-Unis, Brooklyn, New York
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Partitions Orchestre Orchestre Henry Pool
Pool, Henry: Theme with Variations for Orchestra in G-do (Parts)

Theme with Variations for Orchestra in G-do (Parts)
Opus 88
Henry Pool

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VoirTélécharger PDF : Opus 88, Theme with Variations for Orchestra in G-do (Parts) (143 pages - 1.96 Mo)289x
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Henry Pool
Henry Pool (1939 - )



Classique moderne

Droit d'auteurCopyright © Henry Pool
This work is dedicated to the blessed memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris on January 8 & 9, 2015.
Variation 13 is a March Funèbre. In Hebrew numerology (letters have numerical value) 13 = love (Ahava). We all mourn them. May they be with God and rest in peace.
Ajoutée par henry-pool, 05 Fév 2015
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