Molino, FrancescoFrancesco Molino
Italie Italie
(1775 - 1847)
148 partitions
123 MP3 - 2 MIDI
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Partitions Guitare Guitare seule (notation standard) Francesco Molino
Molino, Francesco: Romance

Guitar Pieces from the Student Repertoire
Francesco Molino

Guitare seule (notation standard)
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VoirTélécharger PDF : Partition complète (2 pages - 61.66 Ko)5 677x
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Télécharger MP3 (1.34 Mo) : Interprétation (par SENTINELLI, PAOLO)1 615x 3 251x

Francesco Molino
Francesco Molino (1775 - 1847)

Guitare seule (notation standard)



Francesco Molino
David Padgett, David
This piece is 1 of 12 short studies for the first year guitarist. They are graded between 1 - 3 and are in Score/Tab. email stringsattachedmusic. org for ebook
Source / Web :Strings Attached
Ajoutée par strings-attached-music, 28 Aoû 2009
3 commentaires

Par rtbsd , 30 Mar 2017 à 20:31

I just registered and used this site to attempt to access a beautiful (and very easy piece titled "Romance by F. Molino. However, members should be aware that the piece provided here is entirely different from what the rest of the world is calling "Romance by Molino". Check out numerous renditions on You Tube, as well as "". I'm not sure why this discrepancy exists but it is disappointing. With more searching I was able to download the correct piece at Hope you find this helpful.
free-scores-admin, 30 Mar 2017 à 21:11
Also available at
But for information you don't need to register to download score at, what did you make you think that ?
ce commentaire est-il utile ? Yes (30)   No (35)
Par taradara , 31 Aoû 2009 à 00:00

Ce ci est bien en plus c 'est facil vement bien
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