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Kenny Hall: Practice Record & Assignment Book: Violin: Mixed Songbook

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Mel Bay

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Kenny Hall: Practice Record & Assignment Book: Violin: Mixed Songbook
29.99 GBP - Expédié d'Angleterre

Woodbrass : Sur commande
Hall Kenny - Kenny Hall's Music Book: Old Time Music - Fiddle And Mandolin - Fiddle And Mandolin
41.20 EUR - Expédié de France

Since the 1960's here has been an extraordinary revival of old-time string band music in California and indeed throughout the American West. Despite being born blind Kenny Hall has been a mainstay of many fiddle festivals and ofthe Western fiddle and string band revival in general. Kenny's musical style is passionate and energetic. This book is a helpful guide to his vast repertoire learned through years of careful listening. It is also a wonderfuladdition to the fiddler's bookshelf and a fitting tribute to a man who for many an aspiring fiddler has been a friend guide exemplar and patron. Many of the tunes includes nonsense lyrics that Kenny used to help him rememberthe melody and each tune is accompanied by Kenny's comments. The book is divided into five chapters: fiddle- based tunes (Fiddle Faddle) mandolin-based tunes (Rags Tags and Wags) Waltzes tunes from an origin other than theUnited States or the British Isles (Kenny's Rambles); and vocal-based pieces including lyrics (Songs Ballads Ditties). Some of the transcriptions are written primarily for fiddle or mandolin but most tunes can be performed oneither instrument. This deluxe guide to Kenny Hall's vast repertoire offers fans of old-time music a great way to get to know Kenny and his music.

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Kenny Hall: Practice Record & Assignment Book: Violin: Mixed Songbook
Kenny Hall: Practice Record & Assignment Book: Violin: Mixed Songbook
Violon [Partition] - Débutant
Mel Bay
Since the 1960's here has been an extraordinary revival of old-time string band ...(+)
29.99 GBP - vendu par Musicroom GB
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