États-Unis États-Unis, NORWALK
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MP3 ajouté le 2009-07-08 par lgdsanderson
Ave Maria
Hello. If you have just found FREESCORES you are in for a treat...free music...free playalongs, and a variety of styles from orchestral to funk to suit your every whim. This selection I am playing, GOUNOD'S AVE MARIA, arranged by ANNE CHRISTOPHERSON is one of many that you will find in this site....be sure to browse the many selections...and to hear more of my MP3's visit my website at lenandersonmusic.com.
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MP3 ajouté le 2009-09-15 par lgdsanderson
Por una cabeza
From movies to the dance floor...TANGO POR UNA CABEZA is just great music....
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MP3 ajouté le 2009-10-23 par lgdsanderson
Chrismas song ''Jingle, Bells''
A really SWINGING version of this great old tune, JINGLE BELLS, arranged by PHILIPPE MARILLIA of the 4@4sax quartet....fantastic arranging....be sure to go to 4@4quartet.com for some great sax quartet arrangements.
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Informations par ANDERSON LEONARD

Ecrit le 2015-10-29 par ANDERSON LEONARD