Mason, LowellLowell Mason
États-Unis États-Unis
(1792 - 1872)
80 partitions
89 MP3 - 33 MIDI

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Lowell Mason
Lowell Mason (1792 - 1872)
États-Unis États-Unis
Lowell Mason (January 8, 1792- August 11, 1872) was a leading figure in American church music, the composer of over 1600 hymns, many of which are often sung today. He was also largely responsible for introducing music into American public schools, and is considered to be the first important music educator in the United States. Mason was born and grew up in Medfield, Massachusetts, but spent the first part of his adulthood in Savannah, Georgia, where he worked first in a dry-goods store, then in a bank. He had very strong amateur musical interests, and studied music with the German teacher Fred ... (lire la suite)
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3 partitions trouvées pour " Lowell-Mason Christian "
Piano Treasury Of Hymns Cd
Piano Treasury Of Hymns Cd
Piano, Voix [Partition + CD] - Intermédiaire
Amsco Wise Publications
27.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
Délais: 2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Piano Play Along - Volume 89 : Favourite Hymns
Piano Play Along - Volume 89 : Favourite Hymns
Piano, Voix et Guitare [Partition + CD] - Facile
Hal Leonard
16.65 EUR - vendu par Note4Piano
Délais: 2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur