Morris, Lelia NaylorLelia Naylor Morris
États-Unis États-Unis
(1862 - 1929)
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Morris, Lelia Naylor: Nearer, Still Nearer

Nearer, Still Nearer
Lelia Naylor Morris

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Lelia Naylor Morris
Lelia Naylor Morris (1862 - 1929)

Orgue seul


Hymne - Eglise - Sacre

Lelia Naylor Morris
Bizzarri, Bruno (1956 - )
TonalitéDo majeur
Auteur/Parolier:Lelia Naylor Morris
Date1898 o prima
Droit d'auteurPublic Domain
"Nearer, Still Nearer", è un inno cristiano scritto dall'innografa metodista americana Lelia Naylor Morris e pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1898.
Ajoutée par brunobizzarri, 05 Avr 2023

1 Nearer, still nearer, close to thy heart,
Draw me, my Savior, so precious thou art.
Fold me, O fold me close to thy breast;
Shelter me safe in that haven of rest,
Shelter me safe in that haven of rest.

2 Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring,
Naught as an off'ring to Jesus, my King–
Only my sinful, now contrite heart;
Grant me the cleansing thy blood doth impart,
Grant me the cleansing thy blood doth impart.

3 Nearer, still nearer, Lord, to be thine,
Sin with its follies I gladly resign,
All of its pleasures, pomp, and its pride;
Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified,
Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified.

4 Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last,
Till safe in glory my anchor is cast;
Through endless ages, ever to be
Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to thee,
Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to thee.
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