LiPuma, NellyNelly LiPuma
Italie Italie
28 partitions
6 MP3 - 6 MIDI
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Partitions Piano Piano seul Nelly LiPuma
LiPuma, Nelly: Labirinti

Nelly LiPuma

Piano seul
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Nelly LiPuma
Nelly LiPuma

Piano seul



Droit d'auteurCopyright © Nelly LiPuma
In un labirinto intricato tra vicoli antichi,
mi perdo e mi ritrovo in quell’incanto,
Passo dopo passo, verso la via che porta ad altre vie.
Il mare, la luce, le ombre, le millenarie pietre,
tutto conserva la memoria di vite che ancor riempion di magia quest’aere che tutt’intorno aleggia.
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Ajoutée par musicanuova, 14 Janv 2024
1 commentaire

Par paul-page, 17 Janv 2024 à 05:13

Mercurial and glistening with tiny gems throughout. You have scored this quite precisely. Not an easy task given the rapid changes in tempo and such. So nice to see the care you have taken with the particulars. (One suggestion: try to use 8va when the melody goes beyond the staff by more than three lines. It will be much easier to read that way.) Lovely piece of music. Brava!
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