Raffine, JacquesJacques Raffine
Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
22 partitions
24 MP3
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Partitions Flute 2 flutes, piano Jacques Raffine
Raffine, Jacques: Music on a Mobius Strip

Music on a Mobius Strip
A Harmonious Never-ending Canon
Jacques Raffine

2 flutes, piano
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VoirTélécharger PDF : Music on a Mobius Strip - A Harmonious Never-ending Canon - J Raffine - PDF (4 pages - 2.34 Mo)39x
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Télécharger MP3 : Music on a Mobius Strip - A Harmonious Never-ending Canon - J Raffine - mp3 2x 129x

Jacques Raffine
Jacques Raffine (1948 - )

2 flutes, piano



TonalitéSol majeur
Droit d'auteurCopyright © Jacques Raffine
To make a Mobius Strip, make a loop of paper but twist it once before sticking the ends together. It is a remarkable object, simple to make yet unusual in its properties. Music written along the Strip appears twice before you return to the start point - firstly the normal way up, and then upside down.
In this piece of music, three tunes (and their upside-down selves) combine together harmoniously on the same Strip.
Examples of other practical uses of the Mobius Strip are the never-ending...
Ajoutée par jacquesraffine, 21 Mar 2023
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