Bliss, Philip PaulPhilip Paul Bliss
États-Unis États-Unis
(1838 - 1876)
40 partitions
18 MP3 - 7 MIDI
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Partitions Piano Piano seul Philip Paul Bliss
Bliss, Philip Paul: Precious Promise

Precious Promise
Philip Paul Bliss

Piano seul
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Philip Paul Bliss
Philip Paul Bliss (1838 - 1876)

Piano seul


Hymne - Eglise - Sacre

Philip Paul Bliss
Zisi, Matthew
Droit d'auteurCopyright © Matthew Zisi
Soothing arrangement of Precious Promise, perfect for offertory or other church special!

1. Precious promise God hath given
To the weary passerby,
On the way from earth to heaven,
“I will guide thee with Mine eye.”

2. When temptations almost win thee,
And thy trusted watchers fly,
Let this promise ring within thee,
“I will guide thee with Mine eye.”

3. When thy secret hopes have perished
In the grave of years gone by,
Let this pr...
Ajoutée par crosby3145, 20 Avr 2021
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