Par SCHAATHUN ASBJORN. In 2017, the Zebra Trio premiered Schönberg...est mort, a trio for Violin, Viola and Cello by the Norwegian compoer Asbjørn Schaathun. The world premiere was at the Arnold Schönberg Institute in Vienna. Score available: WH32800 In 2017, the Zebra Trio premiered Schönberg...est mort, a trio for Violin, Viola and Cello by the Norwegian compoer Asbjørn Schaathun. The world premiere was at the Arnold Schönberg Institute in Vienna. Score available: WH32800 / Musique contemporaine / Répertoire / Violon, Alto et Violoncelle
SKU: HL.50602316
UPC: 840126906608.
In 2017, the Zebra Trio premiered Schonberg...est mort, a trio for Violin, Viola and Cello by the Norwegian compoer Asbjorn Schaathun. The world premiere was at the Arnold Schonberg Institute in Vienna.
SKU: HL.50602315
UPC: 840126906592.