Format : Sheet music + Audio access
Rappel des connaissances de base. Tablatures, solfège, harmonie, Reggae basics. Technique basse, etc. Story of Reggae. De Marcus Garvey Bob Marley. Harmonie du reggae (Ska, Reggae, Reggae fusion, Ballades. Riffs & rythmiques : 30 exemples - 30 tubes. Reggae bass lines. Connaissance des gammes et construction d’une ligne de basse. Walking bass, lignes de basse shuffle, basse dub. 30 play-backs + 5 play-backs on CD. Tous les standards de Bob Marley • Toots and the Maytals • Steel Pulse • Burning Spear • Ska-Talites • Jimmy Cliff • UB40 • Lee Perry • Horace Andy • Gregory Isaacs • Culture • Abyssinians • U-Roy • Dennis Brown • Israel Vibrations • Sly and Robbie • Gladiators • Peter Tosh • Third World • Alpha Blondy...
SKU: MB.93822
ISBN 9780871669582. UPC: 796279004152. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
We have all heard bass lines that literally make the song. The purpose of this book is to integrate sight-reading ability with the facility to create such original and memorable bass lines. The author includes studies and examples in rock, blues, jazz, reggae, funk, Calypso and other styles- all while imparting new playing skills and essential music theory. This book is not a shortcut method, but rather offers a clear overall perspective of learning to play the bass in popular styles. The appendix includes information on key signatures, scale patterns, and a versatile chart of chord spellings from major triads to 13th chords. Written primarily in standard notation with a few fretboard scale diagrams, this book will give you the comprehensive fretboard knowledge and improved sight-reading ability you need to become The Literate Bassist you were meant to be.
SKU: BT.MI0379
Un panel di linee di basso Reggae & Ska, alla maniera dei più grandi: Bob Marley, Ernest Ranglin, The Skatalites... e tanti altri. Un basso ben rotondo che sostiene tutto il gruppo in cui il timing è fondamentale per via dei numerosi contrattempi. Ma anche un basso molto presente, sebbene non difficile, con un innegabile ruolo melodico che lo valorizza pienamente. Questo corso di basso in formato PDF multimedia ti propone 10 linee di basso complete negli stili Reggae e Ska con le registrazioni corrispondenti ed altrettante basi musicali su misura su cui potrai interpretarle come se tu fossi gi in un gruppo! Questo PDF Multimedia comporta quindi 11 spartiti per basso + 1 video + 26 audio. N.B. Per approfittare pienamente delle capacit multimediali di questo PDF, lo devi imperativamente aprire con il lettore di PDF Adobe Reader (versione X o ulteriore).
Questo metodo, semplice ed efficace, vi permetterà di capire come comporre una linea di basso o diventare più creativi se già conoscete le basi! La prima parte vi guiderà passo dopo passo nelpercorso creativo.
Partendo dalle basi fino ai concetti più avanzati, scoprirete tutti i mezzi, le tecniche ed alcuni consigli per scegliere le note giuste, ossia quelle che permettono di creare splendide linee dibasso. La seconda parte, dedicata esclusivamente alla pratica, propone di applicare i concetti visti precedentemente.
Su non meno di 8 giri di vari stili (rock, hard & heavy, folk, blues, reggae, funk, soul,jazz),troverete 5 grooves diversi, ossia 40 linee di basso in tutto! Ognuna illustra una o più nozioni esposte nella prima parte e presenta un’analisi precisa degli elementi che la costituiscono.
Quest’opera fa quindi da collegamento tra la teoria e la pratica, tra le conoscenze e la musicalità, tra lo studio ed il piacere di suonare. Per quanto riguarda il disco dati allegato (audio mp3 e video mp4),troverete per le 40 linee di basso la dimostrazione in video, a velocità normale poi ridotta nonché le numerose basi musicali corrispondenti, in versione “lunga durata” in modo da dare lapossibilità ad ognuno di potersi esprimere, a due velocità diverse.
SKU: MB.96534M
ISBN 9780786686551. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
Gleaned from years of teaching, performance, and listening experience -bass players at all levels will benefit from studying the numerous exercises, grooves, and musical examples offered in this book. Whether you are into funk, RandB, fusion, jazz, rock, punk, reggae, alternative music, or any other style; the slap technique will find a niche in your bass playing vocabulary. Chapter headings include: Technique, Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs, Ghost Notes, Left Hand Slap, Open Strings, Double Slap, Double Stops, Double Pops, Other Licks and Tricks, and Advanced Grooves and Solos Using All Techniques. The author strongly advises the student to play each lesson slowly until the exercise or principle being illustrated is thoroughly mastered. Written in notation and tablature. Includes access to online audio and video.
This method is designed for both the bassists and drummers and its purpose is to help them play together in almost all major musical styles: Rock, Blues, Funk, Rhythm and Blues, Disco/Dance, Reggae, Latin music, etc... The many grooves presented here, even if they can be practised alone, are intended to be played in a band, or at least by a bass/drum duo, either on stage or in a studio or simply among friends. Each example displays the bass line along with its tab and the drum score just below allowing to situate each instrument in relation to the other. In this way, the grooves can easily be read and analysed from both perspectives. For each style, you will begin practisingone bar, then two bar patterns... before tackling longer and more complex grooves. To put this into application, all you will have to do is use your own chord changes or those you like, as well as play the patterns you find interesting over these chords. On the CD, the bass examples are played on the left channel and the drums examples on the right channel. With a centred sound balance you will be able to hear both instruments!
SKU: M7.VOGG-209
ISBN 9783802402098.
Seit vielen Jahren eines der Standardwerke des Bassunterrichts! Rock, Soul & Funk, Blues, Reggae und Pop - so steigst du ganz locker in das groovige Bass-Spiel ein. Du bekommst hier nicht nur Tipps zur Auswahl des richtigen Instrumentes, zu Haltung und zur Spieltechnik; 'Easy Rock Bass' enthält zusätzlich auch jede Menge Übungsbeispiele. Alle wichtigen Spieltechniken wie Wechselbass, Walking Bass, Doublestops, Slap & Pop werden ausführlich behandelt. Alle Beispiele sind in Noten und Tabulatur notiert und außerdem auf der beiliegenden Play-Along-CD zum sofortigen Mitmachen eingespielt. So macht das Üben Spaß! 'Dieses Buch ist seit vielen Jahren eines der Standardwerke des Bassunterrichts. Und das aus gutem Grund: Das Konzept von ,Easy Rock Bass' ist sehr simpel, aber eben gut durchdacht, sodass man auch locker im Selbststudium zügig weiterkommt. Und das Ganze bereitet obendrein eine Menge Spaß. ... Fazit: Dieter Petereits Bassschule ist schon jetzt ein echter Klassiker.' Soundcheck.
SKU: DB.01-00390
ISBN 9790012188902.
Boogie - Blues - Country - Samba - Reggae - Folk - Latin. Die stilistische und regionale Vielfalt dieser uberaus gelungenen und didaktisch wertvollen Sammlung sorgt fur abwechslungsreichen Klavierunterricht und Freude beim Uben! Wo geht's diese Woche hin - ans Mittelmeer (Turkei, Spanien,Italien), oder fahren wir nach Ungarn? Oder habt ihr Lust auf eine Fernreise nach Sudamerika (Bolivien, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentinien), oder vielleicht in die Karibik nach Jamaika oder in die USA zu Blues, Boogie und Country Music? Auch Japan konnte man ja einmal in Betracht ziehen ... Und das beste: die ganze Weltreise mit dem Tastenglobus kostet nur ein wenig Ubungszeit und ist supergunstig!1. Spuckendes Lama / 2. Jamaican Bassman / 3. Lied des Hausieres / 4. Takeda no Komuri Uta (Lied des Kindermadchens) / 5. Hillybilly Western Waltz / 6. San Juanito (H. Johannes-Tanz) / 7. Titicacasee-Express (mit dem Zug von Puno nach Cuzco) / 8. Der Blues vom weissesten Weiss / 9. Santa Claus is Coming (Uber ein Motiv von O du Frohliche) / 10. Szoke kis lany megy a kutra (Blondes Madchen geht zum Brunnen) / 11. Turkische Ansichtskarte / 12. Un perro con pulgas (Hund mit Flohen) / 13. Kingston Reggae Queen / 14. Fatty's Saloon Blues / 15. Give us power, give us peace / 16. Fast Food Boogie / 17. Copa Cagrana Samba / 18. Tingeltangel-Tango / 19. Schwarzfahrer-Blues / 20. Plitsch-Platsch-Boogie.