SKU: KN.19634
UPC: 822795196344.
As a supplement to the previously published jazz duet books, The Power Of Two, these rhythm section books can be used individually or together in conjunction with the duet books to create 12 charts for jazz combo. The pieces include a variety of styles, tempos and harmonic progressions. Three downloadable MP3's are included for each piece; a full performance, only the rhythm section parts, and finally a track that features both duet and rhythm section minus your part.Contents:The Five Note Blues; Dorian Journey; Super Chief; Monk Lives; Whoopin' Blues; Timeline; Two Of A Kind; Street Smart; All In For The Blues; Amber And Trinita; Got Rhythm?; Coffee With Melnick.
SKU: PE.EP14445
ISBN 9790014135041. 297 x 420 mm inches. German.
ARKA stammt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet so viel wie Strahl, Blitz, Sonne, Licht, aber auch Lied, Feuer und Hymnus, und entwickelt in meiner Vorstellung sehr viele unterschiedliche Assoziationsfelder. In ARKA stecken auch die Worter arc (beten) und ka (Wasser), und es kann auch ubersetzt werden mit: ,,Das Wasser stromt aus dem heraus, der mehr weiss.
Mein neues Werk fur Pipa, Oboe, Pauke, Schlagzeug und Orchester entstand im Auftrag der Kammerakademie Neuss und auf Anregung des Oboisten Christian Wetzel. Es entstanden drei Rituale mit zum Teil szenischen Elementen fur die Solisten und das Orchester.
Inspirationsquelle in der Vorbeschaftigung waren zwei Quellen und Bucher. Das Daodejing von Laozi in der hervorragenden Neuubersetzung von Viktor Kalinke, eine der wichtigsten Quellen chinesischen Denkens und der Philosophie dieser grossen Kulturtradition und die chinesische Tradition der 5-Elementelehre und der Wandlungsphasen. Als zweites Buch hat mich ,,Die Glut von Roberto Calasso inspiriert, ein Buch uber die indischen Veden in Verbindung mit den Ursprungen des Buddhismus und den damit verbunden Ritualen.
In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich mich intensiv mit ostasiatischer Musik, Kunst und Philosophie beschaftigt und habe das auch durch langere Studienreisen und kompositorische Projekte vertiefen konnen. U.a. wurde 2012 mein Chorwerk PRAN in Kolkata in Indien uraufgefuhrt (Goethe-Institut), ebenfalls 2012 ,,in between VI fur Sho und Sheng in Tokyo und 2013 ,,Mirror and Circle fur Pipa, Cello und chinesisches Orchester in Taipeh/Taiwan (Auftragswerk der taiwanesischen Regierung). Mit der chinesischen Pipa-Virtuosin Ya Dong arbeite ich seit 2000 zusammen und habe fur sie mehrfach komponiert (Urauffuhrungen u.a. in Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Taipeh 2013, Magdeburg 2016). Auch mit Christian Wetzel arbeite ich seit uber 20 Jahren zusammen und habe ebenfalls haufig fur ihn komponiert (UA u.a. in Bonn 1999, Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Darmstadt 2004 und etliche weitere Projekte).
Jedes dieser drei Rituale hat eine Lange von ca. 6-7 Minuten und stellt unterschiedliche Qualitaten und Besonderheiten der beiden Soloinstrumente heraus, immer in Verbindung mit der Interaktion zwischen Soli und Orchester. Die Besetzung war fur mich ausserst reizvoll, da beide Instrumente in dieser Kombination noch nie so erklungen sind. Die Pipa ist ein ungemein modernes und ungewohnliches Instrument, reich an Farben und vor allem an perkussiven Effekten. Das Tonmaterial wurde zum grossten Teil aus den Namen der beiden Solisten gewonnen und ergibt interessanter zwei gespiegelte Viertonmotive. In der asiatischen Kultur spielen der Spiegel und der Kreis eine wichtige Rolle, und so werden die Tone, Rhythmen und Formen eingewoben in diese drei Rituale, welche am Ende des dritten Satzes wieder kreisformig an den Anfang des ersten Rituals anknupfen. Ein von den Streichern und der Pauke erzeugtes Gerausch, verbunden mit dem Rhythmus der grossen Trommel, welcher einen Herzschlag symbolisieren soll. Die drei Untertitel der Rituale Himmel, Erde und (atmospharischer) Raum spielen im vedischen und chinesischen Denken eine grosse Rolle und war fur mich beim Komponieren ebenfalls eine sehr starke Inspirationsquelle. In vielen meiner Kompositionen gibt es Raumeffekte, Annaherungen an das Publikum, das Verschieben von Perspektiven, die Dekonstruktion und das Hinterfragen der ublichen Konzertsituation, so u.a in meinem Beuys-Zyklus oder in den Zyklen ,,CUT und ,,in between.
In ARKA geht es mir besonders um die Interaktion zwischen westlichem und ostlichem Denken, um das gegenseitige Durchdringen dieser auf den ersten Blick so unterschiedlichen Denk- und Lebensweisen, um eine Verschmelzung scheinbarer Gegensatze - um Annaherung!
Bernd Franke. Leipzig, 11.10.2019
for low voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for low voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for high voice and piano.
AGNI is the Hindu god of fire; the elemental and transformative force inherent in everything:
Every flame, every fire, every light, every warmth is AGNI.
AGNI is omnipresent, establishing everything and ending everything.
AGNI is often depicted with seven tongues which represent different aspects of his being.
These include: creating, sustaining, cleansing, purifying, priestly, martial, devastating, destructive, and consuming.
Derived from Franke's concerto of the same name, this solo work for bass clarinet compositionally traces the transformative processes initiated by the divine fire. The solo takes seven pieces from the concerto, presenting vivid character pieces exploring the creative possibilities and wide tonal range offered by the bass clarinet.
This version of AGNI for bass clarinet solo was premiered on 4 December 2020 in Leipzig by Volker Hemken, the principal bass clarinetist of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. EP14437a convinces with its excellent and clear notation, making the piece a new standard for bass clarinet.
Ikons, commissioned by the Vancouver Cultural Olympiad 2010, exists in two forms. This 14-minute acoustic version, premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble, calls for an octet of live musicians to execute complex rhythms and quarter-tone harmonies.
The interactive, electronic version, created with visual artist Eric Metcalfe and designed to be presented separately, incorporates samples from this acoustic version into a sculptural environment of seven pyramidal structures that respond sonically to the viewer.
Roxanna Panufnik's Sonnets without Words is a contemporary piece for Horn in F and piano. Written for horn player Ben Goldscheider, Panufnik has reimagined the lyrical vocal lines from three of her previous settings of Shakespeare's sonnets (Mine eye, Music to hear and Sweet Love Remember'd for voice and piano) into a purely instrumental work.
Score and horn part.
Stephen McNeff's Trig is a short 7-minute contemporary work for solo cello, written to celebrate the bicentennial of the Royal Academy of Music in 2022 and in memorium cellist Mike Edwards 1948-2010.
Trig was premiered by Henry Hargreaves on 19 March 2021, livestreamed from the Royal Academy of Music.
to an utterance - study was commissioned by Klangforum Wien for the premiere commercial audio recording on a portrait CD in 2020 and first performed by Joonas Ahonen at the Berlin Philharmonie on 4th September 2020 at the Musikfest Berlin.
Roxanna Panufnik's Spirit Moves, for brass quintet, was commissioned by the Fine Arts Brass Ensemble. This 15-minute piece is scored for two trumpets in Bb (one doubling piccolo trumpet and the other doubling flugel horn), horn in F, trombone and tuba. This brass quintet is so called because the outer movements are highly spirited and the central one is spiritual.
This product consists of score and parts.
A gently flowing 3-minute arrangement by Roderick Williams for SATB (with divisi) with piano accompaniment that captures the beauty of this famous traditional Hebridean love song. The song text uses both old dialect and English, each verse ending with the words, 'Sad am I without thee'.
for high voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for high voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for low voice and piano.
for SATB and organ This energetic setting of words by St Ambrose of Milan is a real showstopper. With pop-influences and a sparkling organ part, Young effortlessly fuses modern and traditional sound worlds, while changes in key and metre build up to an invigorating finish. Perfect for accomplished choirs looking for something different.
for SA unaccompanied This simple, charming two-part motet features long melismatic phrases that reflect the text (1 Corinthians 2: 9), such as the rising melodic line over three bars on the word 'ascended' (ascendit).
for SAATB unaccompanied. This glorious musical depiction of the honour, strength, power and authority of the Holy Trinity by Thomas Tallis is the third issue in the CMS's series of great English Responds from the 16th century, edited by Sally Dunkley. Scored for SAATB, it can be performed either as a motet or as a full Responsory with plainsong alternating with polyphony.
Based on a traditional Scottish/Irish 'farewell' song, this short piece is one of six works written to express my love of Scotland. After living there for nearly half my life, and raising a family, I moved back to England in 2018, and remarried in 2019.
Of course, there were many different emotions attached to the move south: especially the joy and excitement of new beginnings, and reconnection with friends from my youth.
But this piece expresses the wrench I experienced after a last family meal in Glasgow, and the realisation of all I was about to leave behind.
I have taken the melody of the original song, and expanded it, exploring the detail of its patterns, so that it becomes a timeless meditation.
The six pieces in the 'farewell' series are for 6 violas, string quintet, string quartet, trio, violin and clarinet duo, and solo clarinet.
The Parting Glass was composed in 2020 during the coronavirus lockdown, which intensified the feeling of separation from my Scottish family, as well as from other musicians.
It was commissioned by Vittorio Ceccanti for the ContempoArtEnsemble.
Maple arose from a commission to write a work for solo cello, to be performed alongside readings from artist John Newling's collection of letters entitled 'Dear Nature'; a poetic manifestation of our relationship with the natural world.
The piece is in eight short sections, to be interspersed with readings of groups of the poems. It may also be performed as a single movement. It begins with a seed - the seed of a maple tree, as it hangs on the mature tree, ready to drop. The seeds are like propellers, sometimes travelling more than a mile before landing on the ground. Maple follows the growth of the tree to maturity - which in reality would take at least a hundred years. 'Roots, shoots' grows downwards and upwards from a pedal note, and the dance-like 'Flowers' is followed by the stately 'Tree', and then the warm, cascading 'Autumn'. Maple is very often the wood of choice for the back of a stringed instrument, and the last section uses open strings to explore the full resonance of the cello.
The piece starts with a 'seed' of only five notes, which grows into different configurations. It is intended to be played in an improvisatory style.
Maple was co-commissioned by Brighton Festival, Ars et Terra Festival with SACEM and Ditchling Arts and Crafts Museum, to be performed by Margarita Balanas as part of the Brighton Festival's 'Dear Nature' project.
First performed by Noriko Kawai for Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, in a broadcast from the Radio Theatre, BBC Broadcasting House, November 2020.
Full of beautifully crafted, delicate tintinnabulations - Richard Morrison, The Times
SKU: AP.6-40417X
ISBN 9780486404172. English.
Bach labored on this powerful statement of Christian faith for more than two decades. Scored for five solo voices, chorus, orchestra, and continuo, it represents the crowning achievement of the composer's works in sacred music. This affordable full score in miniature is a reprint of an authoritative edition.
SKU: KN.60807S
UPC: 822795608076.
A guaranteed way to engage an audience is to play a powerful shuffle chart - this one is the perfect choice. An added feature is the a cappella horns-alone passage in the middle of the piece. A richly scored ensemble chorus showcases the dynamic range of the band right after the solo section, which features alto sax and trumpet on chord changes based on two blues scales. Each set includes a guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson. Duration 4:00. Available in SmartMusic.
SKU: CL.SCM-1084-01
This beautiful ballad was a chart Thad wrote in the 1970's and Mel Lewis recorded it in 1978 on Naturally album (Telarc Records). An impressive feature for your Alto/Soprano player, the beautiful melody, sophisticated harmonies and an awesome Shout Chorus make this one a must in your library. Sheer beauty and power. Includes an optional flute part. Written Ranges: Trp. 1 (A) ,Trb 1, (F) , Alto 1 (E).
SKU: KN.61203S
UPC: 822795612035.
Los Angeles-based jazz composer Jeff Jarvis has composed yet another tuneful funk chart for advancing groups that grooves from start to finish. This chart has all the characteristics that make Jarvis' best selling funk charts so popular with jazz bands everywhere. If you like Critical Mass, Honk, Old School, and Mohave Breakdown - then you've got to check this one out! It begins with a contemporary piano introduction, moving into a catchy melody presented initially in a two-part writing technique. Heavily syncopated piano comping, supported by staccato bass lines, will remind you of Tower of Power's bassist, Francis Rocco Prestia. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set. Duration 5:10.
SKU: PR.11641963S
UPC: 680160684472.
The violin concerto is commissioned by Friends of Dresden Music Foundation for American soloist Mira Wang and the New York Philharmonic and Staatskapelle Dresden as an American commemoration of the reconstruction of the Dresden Frauenkirche, 60 years after its destruction in World War II by American and British Forces. The world premiere is given at the Semperoper in Dresden, Germany, on October 9, 10 & 11, 2005, conducted by Ivan Fischer. Full of excitement and inner power, the musical image is vivid, energetic, sometimes lyrical and sometimes dramatic. The major angular thematic material (a three note motive) consists of big leaps in interval (a perfect fourth downward and then a minor seventh upward, first introduced by the violin solo in measures 27-29). Except for the cadenzas which stand at the middle (Rehearsal E, measure 127) and the two ends of the piece as a frame, the virtuosic violin solo line is always accompanied by the ever moving and growing textures in the background. The rests between long and short phrases symbolize the space in Chinese paintings. The Beijing Opera reciting tune, and the fingerings to produce sliding tones in the performance of the Chinese fiddle erhu are also borrowed in the writing and the performing of the western instruments. The musical imagination of the violin concerto came from an ancient Chinese poem with the same title, written by Du Fu (712-770) in Tang Dynasty. Happy Rain on a Spring Night by Du Fu (712-770 in Tang Dynasty) Happy rain comes in time, When spring is in its prime. With night breeze it will fall, And quietly moisten all. Clouds darken wild roads, Light brightens a little boat. Saturated at dawn, With flowers blooming the town. (English translation by Chen Yi from the original poem in Chinese) The following is the poem in its original Chinese form, and the detailed introduction on the structural plan of the violin concerto Spring in Dresden. It's like the welcome rain on a quiet spring night that nurtures the budding seeds, our new society is pushing us forward to the new future. The music reflects the scenes and the expression according to the meaning of the poem when it's being unfolded line by line. Although the tempo is set 63 quarter notes per minute throughout (played vividly, never slow down), the tension is being built up from the quiet background in the beginning, to the sustained climax towards the end. The musical image in Rehearsal A and B (measures 39-80) represents the first four lines of the poem. The wind instruments response to the rustling of fast moving notes on muted string triplets, decorated by occasional strokes produced by metallic string sound and high woodwind gestures. The music in Rehearsal C and D (measures 81-126) represents the next two lines of the poem. It's so dark, a little light in the boat is shimmering on the lake... The breathy sound and key slaps on the flutes create a mysterious atmosphere, in a dialogue with other instruments. The cello glissandi recite the poem in the tone of Mandarin, echoed by the string harmonics. The music in Rehearsal F, G and H (m 129-202) is a toccata, starting in the orchestra (led by the marimba), which builds up a big shape, to reach the climax in m. 157 (Rehearsal G, the location of the Golden Section, according to the length of the music without cadenzas), and keeps the vivid scene towards the coda (from Rehearsal I, m. 203), which stands on the energetic peak until the clear cutoff on measure 239, followed by the short, yet powerful solo conclusion with the lingering echo produced by the high string harmonics. On the top, there is a recall of the three note motive in the sound of wonderland, touched by the motor-on vibraphone meaningfully. The music is written for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (in Bb), 2 bassoons, 4 French horns (in F), 2 trumpets (in Bb), 3 trombones, tuba, harp, 3 percussion players (Perc. 1: xylophone; Perc. 2: suspended cymbal, Japanese high woodblock, snare drum, bass drum and vibraphone; Perc. 3: marimba and tam-tam), solo violin, and strings. Duration is about 20 minutes.The violin concerto is commissioned by Friends of Dresden Music Foundation for American soloist Mira Wang and the New York Philharmonic and Staatskapelle Dresden as an American commemoration of the reconstruction of the Dresden Frauenkirche, 60 years after its destruction in World War II by American and British Forces. The world premiere is given at the Semperoper in Dresden, Germany, on October 9, 10 & 11, 2005, conducted by Ivan Fischer.Full of excitement and inner power, the musical image is vivid, energetic, sometimeslyrical and sometimes dramatic. The major angular thematic material (a three notemotive) consists of big leaps in interval (a perfect fourth downward and then a minorseventh upward, first introduced by the violin solo in measures 27-29). Except for thecadenzas which stand at the middle (Rehearsal E, measure 127) and the two ends of the piece as a frame, the virtuosic violin solo line is always accompanied by the ever moving and growing textures in the background. The rests between long and short phrases symbolize the space in Chinese paintings. The Beijing Opera reciting tune, and the fingerings to produce sliding tones in the performance of the Chinese fiddle erhu are also borrowed in the writing and the performing of the western instruments.The musical imagination of the violin concerto came from an ancient Chinese poem with the same title, written by Du Fu (712-770) in Tang Dynasty.Happy Rain on a Spring Nightby Du Fu (712-770 in Tang Dynasty)Happy rain comes in time,When spring is in its prime.With night breeze it will fall,And quietly moisten all.Clouds darken wild roads,Light brightens a little boat.Saturated at dawn,With flowers blooming the town.(English translation by Chen Yi from the original poem in Chinese)The following is the poem in its original Chinese form, and the detailed introduction onthe structural plan of the violin concerto Spring in Dresden.It’s like the welcome rain on a quiet spring night that nurtures the budding seeds, our newsociety is pushing us forward to the new future. The music reflects the scenes and theexpression according to the meaning of the poem when it’s being unfolded line by line.Although the tempo is set 63 quarter notes per minute throughout (played vividly, neverslow down), the tension is being built up from the quiet background in the beginning, tothe sustained climax towards the end. The musical image in Rehearsal A and B (measures39-80) represents the first four lines of the poem. The wind instruments response to therustling of fast moving notes on muted string triplets, decorated by occasional strokesproduced by metallic string sound and high woodwind gestures. The music in RehearsalC and D (measures 81-126) represents the next two lines of the poem. It's so dark, a littlelight in the boat is shimmering on the lake... The breathy sound and key slaps on theflutes create a mysterious atmosphere, in a dialogue with other instruments. The celloglissandi recite the poem in the tone of Mandarin, echoed by the string harmonics. Themusic in Rehearsal F, G and H (m 129-202) is a toccata, starting in the orchestra (led bythe marimba), which builds up a big shape, to reach the climax in m. 157 (Rehearsal G,the location of the Golden Section, according to the length of the music withoutcadenzas), and keeps the vivid scene towards the coda (from Rehearsal I, m. 203), whichstands on the energetic peak until the clear cutoff on measure 239, followed by the short,yet powerful solo conclusion with the lingering echo produced by the high stringharmonics. On the top, there is a recall of the three note motive in the sound ofwonderland, touched by the motor-on vibraphone meaningfully.The music is written for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (in Bb), 2 bassoons, 4 French horns (in F), 2 trumpets (in Bb), 3 trombones, tuba, harp, 3 percussion players (Perc. 1:xylophone; Perc. 2: suspended cymbal, Japanese high woodblock, snare drum, bass drum and vibraphone; Perc. 3: marimba and tam-tam), solo violin, and strings.Duration is about 20 minutes.
SKU: HL.44012271
UPC: 888680057664. English-German-French-Dutch.
Looking Up, Moving On was commissioned by the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra and was part of a tour programme they gave in May 2012, a tour which included many areas that had been devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.The theme of the piece is the powerful ability of mankind to overcome such disasters and look forward to a positive future; it opens in an appropriately optimistic mood, featuring bright orchestral colours and extensive syncopation. A chorale-like fanfare is soon introduced on horns and euphonium, answered by chirpy woodwinds. The mood subsides until an alto saxophone introduces a brief quotation from the composer's The Sun Will RiseAgain, which was written to raise funds for victims of the 2011 disaster. The mood soon changes and the horns introduce a noble theme under woodwind flourishes. This leads to the main Vivo section of the piece which is characterised again by strong syncopations as part of a florid theme in the low woodwinds. This melody undergoes varied development by all sections of the band until the horn fanfare returns triumphally on the brass. This is extended and leads to a faster coda which brings together previous material in counterpoint to close the work in optimistic mood. Looking Up, Moving On is gecomponeerd in opdracht van het Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. Het werk maakte deel uit van een programma uit mei 2012, dat werd uitgevoerd tijdens een tournee waarbij veel regio's werden bezocht die waren verwoest door de aardbeving en tsunami van 2011.Het thema van het werk is het buitengewone vermogen van de mens om dergelijke rampen te boven te komen en vooruit te kijken naar een positieve toekomst. De opening is dan ook optimistisch van karakter, met heldere orkestrale kleuren en een rijkelijke syncopering. Al snel wordt er een koraalachtige fanfare geintroduceerd door de hoorns en het euphonium, waarop een levendig antwoord volgt in dehoutblazerssectie. De sfeer wordt dan steeds kalmer totdat een altsaxofoon een kort citaat laat horen uit een eerder werk van de componist, The Sun Will Rise Again, dat werd geschreven om geld in te zamelen voor de slachtoffers van de ramp uit 2011. De stemming slaat vlug weer om: de hoorns introduceren een nobel thema, dat weerklinkt onder versieringen in het hout. Dit leidt naar het Vivo, het hoofdgedeelte, dat eveneens wordt gekenmerkt door sterke syncoperingen, als onderdeel van een sierlijk thema in het lage hout. De melodie ondergaat een gevarieerde ontwikkeling binnen alle secties van het orkest, totdat de hoornfanfare op triomfantelijke wijze terugkeert in het koper. De fanfare wordt vervolgens verder uitgewerkt en voert ons mee naar een snellere coda, die voorafgaand materiaal in contrapunt samenbrengt en de compositie in optimistische stemming afsluit. Looking Up, Moving Down wurde vom Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra in Auftrag gegeben und war Teil des Konzertprogramms einer Tour im Mai 2012, welche viele Gebiete einschloss, die vom Erdbeben und Tsunami im Jahr 2011 zerstort worden waren. Thema dieses Stuckes ist die gewaltige Fahigkeit der Menschheit, uber solche Katastrophen hinwegzukommen und voll Optimismus in die Zukunft zu blicken; es beginnt dementsprechend in einer positiven Stimmung mit strahlenden Orchesterfarben und einer ausgepragten Synkopierung. Schon bald wird eine choralartige Fanfare auf den Hornern und im Euphonium vorgestellt, die von munteren Holzblasern beantwortet wird. Die Stimmung flaut ab, bis einAltsaxophon ein kurzes Zitat aus The Sun Will Rise Again anspielt, das der Komponist zur Spendenbeschaffung fur die Opfer des Unglucks 2011 geschrieben hatte. Kurz darauf folgt ein Stimmungswechsel und die Horner prasentieren ein stattliches Thema, begleitet von Fanfaren in den Holzblasern. Dies fuhrt zum mit Vivo uberschriebenen Hauptteil des Stuckes, der wiederum von starken Synkopierungen gepragt ist, die Teil eines bluhenden Themas in den tiefen Holzblasern sind. Diese Melodie durchlauft eine vielgestaltige Entwicklung durch alle Instrumentengruppen des Blasorchesters, bis das Blech mit der Hornfanfare triumphal zuruckkehrt. Dies wird erweitert und fuhrt zu einer schnelleren Coda, in dem verschiedenes zuvor gehortes Material kontrapunktisch zusammenkommt, um das Werk in einer optimistischen Stimmung zu beenden. Looking Up, Moving On est une commande du Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. Cette piece faisait partie du programme de la tournee effectuee par l'orchestre en mai 2012, qui s'est produit dans de nombreuses regions devastees par le tremblement de terre et le tsunami de 2011.La composition a pour theme l'immense capacite humaine a surmonter de telles catastrophes et envisager l'avenir de facon positive. Elle debute justement dans un climat optimiste comportant de vives couleurs orchestrales et des passages syncopes. Les cors et les euphonium introduisent bientot une fanfare en forme de choral a laquelle repondent des bois petillants. L'ambiance s'apaise jusqu'a ce qu'unsaxophone alto introduise un court extrait de The Sun Will Rise Again, du meme compositeur, une piece ecrite pour collecter des fonds en faveur des victimes du desastre de 2011. Le climat change hativement lorsque les cors introduisent un theme noble par-dessus des fioritures executees par les bois. Vient ensuite la principale section vivo de la piece, qui se caracterise, encore une fois, par des syncopes tres marquees dans le cadre d'un theme fleuri assure dans le registre grave des bois. Cette melodie fait l'objet de divers developpements par tous les pupitres de l'orchestre jusqu'au retour triomphant de la fanfare soutenue par les cuivres. Celle-ci se prolonge pour mener a une coda plus rapide qui rassemble les elements precedents en contrepoint pour clore la piece dans un climat optimiste.
SKU: CF.CM9576
ISBN 9781491153987. UPC: 680160912483. 6.875 x 10.5 inches. Key: G minor. English. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) , Walt Whitman (1819-1892).
The two pieces, Who Robbed the Woods? and O Cool is the Valley Now, combine to create a set that both explores the subtle beauty, serenity, fragility, and resiliency of nature and examines our relationship to the natural world around us. The first song combines a short poem by Emily Dickinson with a journal entry excerpt by Walt Whitman entitled The Lesson of the Tree. Only two stanzas in length, Dickinsons poem considers the ways in which people use and exploit trees for their own purposes and asks, on the trees behalf, who would do such a thing? Whitman ponders a trees silent majesty and power and its ability to be yet say nothing at all. The musical setting begins and ends in the mode of G-Dorian while moving briefly in the middle section to Bb major. The Dorian mode, similar to the natural minor but with a raised sixth scale degree, possesses a mysterious and whimsical sound, fitting for a poem that considers the possibility of talking trees. The accents and syncopation of the piano accompaniment should be carefully observed, with particular attention paid to the syncopation found in gestures occurring in mm. 712. The beginning a cappella section should be hushed yet intense; a richer, fuller sound may be brought out in the middle section where the key shifts to Bb major and the choir sings of the many noble qualities of trees (mm. 3953). O Cool is the Valley Now also makes use of a modal scale. Set primarily in D Mixolydian, similar to D major but with a lowered seventh scale degree, this modes lack of a leading tone gives the melody a folk-tune quality. The piano should at all times remain legato and flowing, its ascending and descending gestures, found in mm. 910, imitating the rolling hills and valleys evoked in the text. The phrases of the vocal lines should also be flowing and carefully shaped. Additional rubato and dynamic subtleties may be added to accentuate any number of the suspensions and dissonances that occur, especially on p. 14.The two pieces, aWho Robbed the Woods?a and aO Cool is the Valley Now,a combine to create a set that both explores the subtle beauty, serenity, fragility, and resiliency of nature and examines our relationship to the natural world around us. The first song combines a short poem by Emily Dickinson with a journal entry excerpt by Walt Whitman entitled The Lesson of the Tree. Only two stanzas in length, Dickinsonas poem considers the ways in which people use and exploit trees for their own purposes and asks, on the treesa behalf, who would do such a thing? Whitman ponders a treeas silent majesty and power and its ability to be ayet say nothing at all.a The musical setting begins and ends in the mode of G-Dorian while moving briefly in the middle section to Bb major. The Dorian mode, similar to the natural minor but with a raised sixth scale degree, possesses a mysterious and whimsical sound, fitting for a poem that considers the possibility of talking trees. The accents and syncopation of the piano accompaniment should be carefully observed, with particular attention paid to the syncopation found in gestures occurring in mm. 7a12. The beginning a cappella section should be hushed yet intense; a richer, fuller sound may be brought out in the middle section where the key shifts to Bb major and the choir sings of the many noble qualities of trees (mm. 39a53). O Cool is the Valley NowA also makes use of a modal scale. Set primarily in D Mixolydian, similar to D major but with a lowered seventh scale degree, this modeas lack of a leading tone gives the melody a folk-tune quality. The piano should at all times remain legato and flowing, its ascending and descending gestures, found in mm. 9a10, imitating the rolling hills and valleys evoked in the text. The phrases of the vocal lines should also be flowing and carefully shaped. Additional rubato and dynamic subtleties may be added to accentuate any number of the suspensions and dissonances that occur, especially on p. 14.The two pieces, aWho Robbed the Woods?a and aO Cool is the Valley Now,a combine to create a set that both explores the subtle beauty, serenity, fragility, and resiliency of nature and examines our relationship to the natural world around us. The first song combines a short poem by Emily Dickinson with a journal entry excerpt by Walt Whitman entitled The Lesson of the Tree. Only two stanzas in length, Dickinsonas poem considers the ways in which people use and exploit trees for their own purposes and asks, on the treesa behalf, who would do such a thing? Whitman ponders a treeas silent majesty and power and its ability to be ayet say nothing at all.a The musical setting begins and ends in the mode of G-Dorian while moving briefly in the middle section to Bb major. The Dorian mode, similar to the natural minor but with a raised sixth scale degree, possesses a mysterious and whimsical sound, fitting for a poem that considers the possibility of talking trees. The accents and syncopation of the piano accompaniment should be carefully observed, with particular attention paid to the syncopation found in gestures occurring in mm. 7a12. The beginning a cappella section should be hushed yet intense; a richer, fuller sound may be brought out in the middle section where the key shifts to Bb major and the choir sings of the many noble qualities of trees (mm. 39a53). O Cool is the Valley NowA also makes use of a modal scale. Set primarily in D Mixolydian, similar to D major but with a lowered seventh scale degree, this modeas lack of a leading tone gives the melody a folk-tune quality. The piano should at all times remain legato and flowing, its ascending and descending gestures, found in mm. 9a10, imitating the rolling hills and valleys evoked in the text. The phrases of the vocal lines should also be flowing and carefully shaped. Additional rubato and dynamic subtleties may be added to accentuate any number of the suspensions and dissonances that occur, especially on p. 14.The two pieces, Who Robbed the Woods? and O Cool is the Valley Now, combine to create a set that both explores the subtle beauty, serenity, fragility, and resiliency of nature and examines our relationship to the natural world around us. The first song combines a short poem by Emily Dickinson with a journal entry excerpt by Walt Whitman entitled The Lesson of the Tree. Only two stanzas in length, Dickinson's poem considers the ways in which people use and exploit trees for their own purposes and asks, on the trees' behalf, who would do such a thing? Whitman ponders a tree's silent majesty and power and its ability to be yet say nothing at all. The musical setting begins and ends in the mode of G-Dorian while moving briefly in the middle section to Bb major. The Dorian mode, similar to the natural minor but with a raised sixth scale degree, possesses a mysterious and whimsical sound, fitting for a poem that considers the possibility of talking trees. The accents and syncopation of the piano accompaniment should be carefully observed, with particular attention paid to the syncopation found in gestures occurring in mm. 7-12. The beginning a cappella section should be hushed yet intense; a richer, fuller sound may be brought out in the middle section where the key shifts to Bb major and the choir sings of the many noble qualities of trees (mm. 39-53). O Cool is the Valley Now also makes use of a modal scale. Set primarily in D Mixolydian, similar to D major but with a lowered seventh scale degree, this mode's lack of a leading tone gives the melody a folk-tune quality. The piano should at all times remain legato and flowing, its ascending and descending gestures, found in mm. 9-10, imitating the rolling hills and valleys evoked in the text. The phrases of the vocal lines should also be flowing and carefully shaped. Additional rubato and dynamic subtleties may be added to accentuate any number of the suspensions and dissonances that occur, especially on p. 14.The two pieces, Who Robbed the Woods? and O Cool is the Valley Now, combine to create a set that both explores the subtle beauty, serenity, fragility, and resiliency of nature and examines our relationship to the natural world around us. The first song combines a short poem by Emily Dickinson with a journal entry excerpt by Walt Whitman entitled The Lesson of the Tree. Only two stanzas in length, Dickinson's poem considers the ways in which people use and exploit trees for their own purposes and asks, on the trees' behalf, who would do such a thing? Whitman ponders a tree's silent majesty and power and its ability to be yet say nothing at all. The musical setting begins and ends in the mode of G-Dorian while moving briefly in the middle section to Bb major. The Dorian mode, similar to the natural minor but with a raised sixth scale degree, possesses a mysterious and whimsical sound, fitting for a poem that considers the possibility of talking trees. The accents and syncopation of the piano accompaniment should be carefully observed, with particular attention paid to the syncopation found in gestures occurring in mm. 7-12. The beginning a cappella section should be hushed yet intense; a richer, fuller sound may be brought out in the middle section where the key shifts to Bb major and the choir sings of the many noble qualities of trees (mm. 39-53). O Cool is the Valley Now also makes use of a modal scale. Set primarily in D Mixolydian, similar to D major but with a lowered seventh scale degree, this mode's lack of a leading tone gives the melody a folk-tune quality. The piano should at all times remain legato and flowing, its ascending and descending gestures, found in mm. 9-10, imitating the rolling hills and valleys evoked in the text. The phrases of the vocal lines should also be flowing and carefully shaped. Additional rubato and dynamic subtleties may be added to accentuate any number of the suspensions and dissonances that occur, especially on p. 14.The two pieces, “Who Robbed the Woods?†and “O Cool is the Valley Now,†combine to create a set that both explores the subtle beauty, serenity, fragility, and resiliency of nature and examines our relationship to the natural world around us.The first song combines a short poem by Emily Dickinson with a journal entry excerpt by Walt Whitman entitled The Lesson of the Tree. Only two stanzas in length, Dickinson’s poem considers the ways in which people use and exploit trees for their own purposes and asks, on the trees’ behalf, who would do such a thing? Whitman ponders a tree’s silent majesty and power and its ability to be “yet say nothing at all.â€The musical setting begins and ends in the mode of G-Dorian while moving briefly in the middle section to Bb major. The Dorian mode, similar to the natural minor but with a raised sixth scale degree, possesses a mysterious and whimsical sound, fitting for a poem that considers the possibility of talking trees. The accents and syncopation of the piano accompaniment should be carefully observed, with particular attention paid to the syncopation found in gestures occurring in mm. 7–12. The beginning a cappella section should be hushed yet intense; a richer, fuller sound may be brought out in the middle section where the key shifts to Bb major and the choir sings of the many noble qualities of trees (mm. 39–53).O Cool is the Valley Now also makes use of a modal scale. Set primarily in D Mixolydian, similar to D major but with a lowered seventh scale degree, this mode’s lack of a leading tone gives the melody a folk-tune quality. The piano should at all times remain legato and flowing, its ascending and descending gestures, found in mm. 9–10, imitating the rolling hills and valleys evoked in the text. The phrases of the vocal lines should also be flowing and carefully shaped. Additional rubato and dynamic subtleties may be added to accentuate any number of the suspensions and dissonances that occur, especially on p. 14.
ISBN 9781491153130. UPC: 680160910632.
Solar Flare, by Tyler Arcari, depicts the huge explosion on the Sun that appears as a sudden bright flash. The piece incorporates a whirlwind of mixed meters to?depict this phenomenon. Arcari showcases his fresh, exciting, and well-scored compositional style in this piece. Solar Flare makes for? an excellent concert opener.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a teaching 7/8 space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 6972 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the ^ accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a ateaching 7/8a space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69a72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99a115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the a^a accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a ateaching 7/8a space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69a72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99a115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the a^a accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a teaching 7/8 space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69-72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99-115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the ^ accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a teaching 7/8 space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69-72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99-115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the ^ accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work.About the Work:Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a “teaching 7/8†space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69–72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73.Measures 99–115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the “^†accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.
SKU: KN.62645S
UPC: 822795626452.
We welcome Tom Kubis to the Kendor family of writers with this swing chart that definitely lives up to its name. Solos are offered for soprano sax, trumpet and trombone, but the chart can be opened up for more soloists if desired. An exciting shout chorus after the solo section, tight ensemble and unison writing in the tradition of Thad Jones, and driving rhythms that create a sense of momentum make this a winner in anyone's book. Two dramatic chords bring this powerhouse chart for proficient bands to a rousing finish. Duration 4:25. Available in SmartMusic.
SKU: MN.60-8002A
UPC: 688670002830.
Powerful setting of strong tune ATKINSON begins with stirring brass fanfare and ends with all horses running on stanza 4! Double-texted publication. Stanzas 1 and 4 with Congregation. Choir sings stanza 2, Two-Part Mixed; stanza 3, SATB and Descant stanza 4. **Organist must play from full score if performing with Brass. If not performing with Brass Organist may use choral score.
SKU: KN.SN70098S
UPC: 822795700985.
Recorded on the SWR Big Band CD Fun Time and adapted from the tune Blue Daniel, this chart romps along in four instead of three and sounds harder than it is. It features a sax chorus and solos by alto sax, tenor sax and trombone, along with some powerful ensemble choruses between optional solos. The tempo is a very comfortable 116 beats per minute. Saxophones and trombone play the melody on the first two choruses and a reprise at the end. Rhythm section parts are partially notated with chords cued.
SKU: CL.012-4815-01
With a powerful introduction and bold ending, this arrangement of the National Anthem will immediately command attention from an audience in any setting. While being harmonically and melodically true and respectful of the original, there is just enough freshness and creativity added here to make this arrangement unique. The last two phrases are scored creatively and quite powerfully! A well-crafted arrangement that will work well in any concert setting. Inspiring!