Caprice no. 24 for violin
Caprice no. 24 for violin
O 1
Niccolo Paganini
Violon seul

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Caprice no. 24 for violin
MP3 (4.26 Mo) : (par Zanganeh, Reza)269x 840x
Vidéo :
Niccolo Paganini
Paganini, Niccolo (1782 - 1840)

Violon seul

Partition centrale 24 Caprices pour Violon seul (23 partitions)
  4 autres versions


Date 19th C.
Droit d'auteur Public domain
Ajoutée par FS, 21 Avr 2006
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Commentaires (61)

Niccolo Paganini
Publié le 09 Aoû 2019 à 10:41 par samuelnarayana
i played this 100 times with my eyes closed and the violin on my right shoulder and the bow with my left hand. Like i can play this two octaves higher and still hit all the notes. i can play this in double stops and ill still make it sound good.
ocelot8910, 21 Sep 2022 à 05:23
You do realize that parts of this piece are impossible to play 2 octaves higher, like those notes are literally not possible on the Violin.
Niccolo Paganini
Publié le 09 Aoû 2019 à 10:39 par samuelnarayana
this too easy man
Niccolo Paganini
Publié le 18 Jui 2019 à 15:57 par greekfire2121
Are you joking? this is one of the hardest violin pieces ever. It is written by PAGANINNI!
samuelnarayana, 09 Aoû 2019 à 10:43
It aint hard wdym? its so easy fam! i played it since i was 10
samuelnarayana, 09 Aoû 2019 à 10:44
You just dum
mackinnon, 30 Janv 2023 à 21:59
Awesome ! Ha,ha
Niccolo Paganini
Publié le 29 Jun 2015 à 12:04 par minamoto
paganini est un génie (maléfique pour certains) du violon.Mais il était aussi un grand guitariste
Niccolo Paganini
philippe zaarour

Publié le 10 Fév 2013 à 00:00 par phileon
j'abandonne ,maitre Paganini est trop fort,un vrai genie!!!
Publié le 19 Déc 2012 à 00:00
This caprice is one of the most advanced caprices that I have comee across. Paganini himself was always pushing the limit when it came to his compositions and he pretty much wanted (and did) prove that he was the best violinist of his time. This piece in particular really shows how brilliant and talented paganini was and I really love it. Paganini is one of those composers that many think determines your skill with a particular type of instrument (mostly violin). I think that if you really want to prove your skill you should attempt to perfect his caprices. Especially the first, second, and twenty-fourth.
Publié le 07 Déc 2012 à 00:00
Victoria17198702 - Stop thinking you're so special, there's an 8 year old on YouTube that can play this song.

Publié le 16 Oct 2012 à 00:00
Holy BaJeesus. This is incredibly difficult, but is so cool!
Publié le 04 Oct 2012 à 00:00
C'est très dûr! C'est tellement incroyable que on peut jouer le violin comme ça! Moi, je ne sais pas si je peux apprendre comment jouer ça!
Publié le 01 Sep 2012 à 00:00
I can play this and I'm only 12. No hate, please. I just work practice all of the time, because it means a lot to me
Publié le 23 Jui 2012 à 00:00
iam firas bteddini from libanon and i like to play studiying it in the libanese conservatory

Publié le 23 Mai 2012 à 00:00
First off, the violin is pretty much the hardest instrument. Secondly, this is the hardest piece, as said by many sources
Publié le 08 Mar 2012 à 00:00
Publié le 17 Nov 2011 à 00:00
thank you for keeping this piece free and open to the public. it's very fun to play.
Publié le 06 Nov 2011 à 00:00
Very difficult. Anita Carlisle, you are either a genius violin player, a bragger, or an idiot. I have not seen a more difficult piece.
Niccolo Paganini
Enzo Baggi

Publié le 22 Oct 2011 à 00:00 par enzo-baggi
certains disent que la piece est tres dure ; moi apres 6 ans je sais jouer le théme et la 3eme variation ! le reste reste hor de portée ( dans les deux sens :-) )
Publié le 22 Aoû 2011 à 00:00
This piece is beautiful!
Publié le 14 Jun 2011 à 00:00
I can't believe how many people are actually saying that this piece is really simple, so simple that they could learn in it in "30 mins." This is one of the hardest pieces ever written for violin, and if played right, it is one of the hardest. :(
Publié le 18 Mar 2011 à 00:00
un grand moment.On se demande s'il ne faudrait pas être deux pour le jouer!!
C'est un caprice, ça se confirme!
Publié le 13 Mar 2011 à 00:00
i have found this to be quite easy to read and i am slowly able to play the first piece ....
Publié le 15 Fév 2011 à 00:00
A very challenging piece. If played at the proper speed, it is one of the hardest violin pieces ever written
Publié le 27 Nov 2010 à 00:00
it good for people any where, any time, and any one.
Publié le 21 Nov 2010 à 00:00
this is not even close to intermediate. Its over advanced
Publié le 15 Nov 2010 à 00:00
Amazing! have wanted to play this for a long time, thank you!
Publié le 10 Nov 2010 à 00:00
Thanks! :)
Publié le 30 Sep 2010 à 00:00
thank you;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Publié le 28 Sep 2010 à 00:00
in my opinion this is terrefic and real sound
Publié le 04 Sep 2010 à 00:00
good goood gooood GOOOOOOOD ! I love it !
Publié le 30 Aoû 2010 à 00:00
Excellent quality! Thank you very much!
Publié le 14 Jui 2010 à 00:00
This is a great idea. THanks!