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MARC KAMGA, Olivier (1972 - ) [4 sheet music since 7 days]
Me voici Seigneur (Psaume 39 (40))
Me voici Seigneur
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-17 (mko)
Rendez grace au Seigneur: Il est bon! (Psaume 117 (118))
Rendez grace au Seigneur: Il est bon!
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-17 (mko)
Voici le jour que fit le Seigneur (Psaume 117 (118))
Voici le jour que fit le Seigneur
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-16 (mko)
Alléluia! Rendez grâce au Seigneur (Psaume 117 (118))
Alléluia! Rendez grâce au Seigneur
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-15 (mko)
États-Unis LEONARD, ANDERSON (1947 - ) [1 sheet music since 7 days]
Lead sheet (with lyrics)
2025-02-14 (lgdsanderson)
Italie Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710 - 1736) [1 sheet music since 7 days]
Que ne suis-je la fougère
Que ne suis-je la fougère
Choral and Piano
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
France Couperin, Gervais-François (1759 - 1826) [1 sheet music since 7 days]
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
France Martini, Jean Paul Égide (1741 - 1816) [1 sheet music since 7 days]
Plaisir d'Amour
Plaisir d'Amour
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
Anonymous [3 sheet music since 7 days]
Quando che more un prete (When a priest dies) (Anticlerical song from the pontificate of Pope Pius IX )
Quando che more un prete (Quand un prêtre meurt)
Alt or bass voice and piano
2025-02-13 (anan)
La bourguignonne
La bourguignonne
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-11 (jacquesguyader)
L'autre jour en m'y promenant
L'autre jour en m'y promenant
2025-02-11 (jacquesguyader)
France Chauve, Thierry [4 sheet music since 7 days]
An Offering for Rebecca
An Offering for Rebecca
Voice and Orchestra
2025-02-16 (thierry-chauve)
Bright Star
Bright Star
Voice and Orchestra
2025-02-14 (thierry-chauve)
Little did I know
Little did I know
Voice and Orchestra
2025-02-14 (thierry-chauve)
Voice and Orchestra
2025-02-11 (thierry-chauve)
Traditional [26 sheet music since 7 days]
Choral SA a cappella
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
She'll be coming round the montain
She'll be coming round the montain
Choral SA a cappella
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
Derrière chez nous y'a un couvent
Derrière chez nous y'a un couvent
Choral SA a cappella
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
Cric, crac
Cric, crac
Choral SA a cappella
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
A Saint Malo beau port de mer
A Saint Malo beau port de mer
Choral SA a cappella
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
A quinze ans
A quinze ans
Female choir or children's choir
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
Vive la Rose
Vive la Rose
Choral and Piano
2025-02-14 (jacquesguyader)
Kłaniam się Tobie
Voice and Organ
2025-02-14 (mkramarz)
Króla wznoszą się znamiona
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-14 (mkramarz)
Chrystus Wodzem
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-14 (mkramarz)
Z dalekiej Fatimy
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-14 (mkramarz)
W żłobie leży
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-14 (mkramarz)
Quand je suis à la montagne
Quand je suis à la montagne
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
Oh Revenez y toutes
Oh Revenez y toutes
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
Le curé de Pomponne
Le curé de Pomponne
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
La violette double
La violette double
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-12 (jacquesguyader)
Droga Krzyżowa (Stacje z miechowskiej bazyliki)
Choral SATB (div.)
2025-02-12 (mkramarz)
Lulajże, Jezuniu
Choral SATB, Soloist
2025-02-12 (mkramarz)
Przyjdź, do nas przyjdź
Choral SATB
2025-02-12 (mkramarz)
Bądź pozdrowiony (pieśń do bł. Wincentego Kadłubka)
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-12 (mkramarz)
la rosa enflorece
la rosa enflorece
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-11 (jacquesguyader)
La Chèvre
La Chèvre
Choral 4 voices
2025-02-11 (jacquesguyader)
Pobłogosław, Jezu drogi
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-12 (mkramarz)
Cztery lata zawszem pasał
Choral SATB a cappella
2025-02-11 (mkramarz)
Slovaquie Petrik, Stanislav (1980 - ) [2 sheet music since 7 days]
The Artist´s Dream
The Artist´s Dream
2 Flutes and Orchestra
2025-02-11 (stanislavpetrik)
Dancing with a Cat
Dancing with a Cat
Choir and Orchestra
2025-02-11 (stanislavpetrik)