"Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow" is an early
African-American Spiritual and "Plantation Song" first
collected and published in 1867. It was further
collected and celebrated at Hampton University in the
early 20th century, and later popularized by soprano
Dorothy Maynor through her school, the Harlem School of
the Arts.
This song, collected during the Civil War, highlights
the polyphony that call and response and echoing
patterns produce. The melody moves from voice to voice
to give each...(+)
"Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow" is an early
African-American Spiritual and "Plantation Song" first
collected and published in 1867. It was further
collected and celebrated at Hampton University in the
early 20th century, and later popularized by soprano
Dorothy Maynor through her school, the Harlem School of
the Arts.
This song, collected during the Civil War, highlights
the polyphony that call and response and echoing
patterns produce. The melody moves from voice to voice
to give each section an opportunity to alternate
between singing the melody and responding to it.
Contrasts in dynamics and vocal timbre lifts the melody
off the page with the ostinati keep the rhythmic pulse
I created this arrangement for Violin, Viola & Acoustic
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