Bonjour, il y a une erreur dans la mesure 29, sur cette partition la main gauche répète Fa# puis Mi alors que dans les autres partitions et vidéos ça alterne Fa# et Sol# puis Mi et Sol#.
Hi, there is a mistake in bar 29, in this score left hand plays repeatedly F sharp then E, but in other partitions and videos it alternates between F sharp and G sharp then E and G sharp.</span>
this piece is one big gallop. although,thanks to this piece my technique skills have risen dramatically.after you've already got the score in your head,you should play it part by part,at a pace where you get all the notes out. Piece definitely worth learning. Leaves unexperienced listeners(the most of people) with their jaws on the floor.
Hi, there is a mistake in bar 29, in this score left hand plays repeatedly F sharp then E, but in other partitions and videos it alternates between F sharp and G sharp then E and G sharp.</span>
Piece definitely worth learning. Leaves unexperienced listeners(the most of people) with their jaws on the floor.