The duration of this music is around 1 minute and 10
seconds. It is in the key of F major. The time
signature is 3/8 and the tempo
is moderato. The piece is technically easy. The
clarinet part features staccato which adds to rhythmic
nature of the waltz.
A dance called the waltzer was danced by rural peasants
in Bavaria and Austria around 1750. These dances spread
to the cities where Noblemen, bored with their minuets,
slipped away to join the Balls of their servants where
the new d...(+)
The duration of this music is around 1 minute and 10
seconds. It is in the key of F major. The time
signature is 3/8 and the tempo
is moderato. The piece is technically easy. The
clarinet part features staccato which adds to rhythmic
nature of the waltz.
A dance called the waltzer was danced by rural peasants
in Bavaria and Austria around 1750. These dances spread
to the cities where Noblemen, bored with their minuets,
slipped away to join the Balls of their servants where
the new dances were popular. The waltz was regarded as
an entertainment of low morality and in 1825 the Oxford
dictionary recorded the waltz as being "riotous and
indecent", it however eventually became fashionable in
Britain later in the Regency period.
Anches pour Clarinette : La Qualité au Service de Votre Son
Découvrez des centaines d'anches pour clarinette, adaptées à tous les modèles, de la clarinette en Sib à la basse. Complétez votre équipement avec coupes-anches, portes-anches et ligatures pour une performance optimale.
Clarinet Reeds: Quality for Perfect Tone
Explore hundreds of clarinet reeds in stock, suitable for all types from Bb to bass clarinet. Complete your setup with reed cutters, cases, and ligatures for optimal performance.
Informations of Alastair Lewis
Written on 2011-09-02 by alastair-lewis Please use the
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