I stumbled across your name and music on this website as I was looking for some music for Christmas. I looked at the score for your Toccata ex F for keyboard.I tried to listen to it as an Mp3 but I don't seem to have the correct plug-in for the Mp3 to play from this website. After looking once through your score, I see that you can write well for the keyboard idiom, that you can write in the ars antiqua style of the Renaissance or early Baroque periods. Your voice leading looks all pretty correct from a first reading. It looks like you have harmonic movement in your piece. I will print out your piece soon and try to play it on the keyboard. I have little money these days but if I like it and want to play it again, I will try and donate something to you, Signore Stella. Grazie!
After looking once through your score, I see that you can write well for the keyboard idiom, that you can write in the ars antiqua style of the Renaissance or early Baroque periods. Your voice leading looks all pretty correct from a first reading. It looks like you have harmonic movement in your piece. I will print out your piece soon and try to play it on the keyboard. I have little money these days but if I like it and want to play it again, I will try and donate something to you, Signore Stella. Grazie!