LYRICS Thank you Daddy Song
A letter of gratitude to Daddy
Maurice Mondengo
May 2009
Here is a song for you Daddy;
It is a song to say thank you;
For every single thing you did for me;
Raising me up with cares and love.
I know Mommy was still there with you;
When I was giving you some hard time,
With cares and love you were still there
Training me up, and teaching me how to stand in life;
Everyday you encouraged me to live for a noble cause.
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
Thousand times I say thank you Daddy;
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
I always will be so grateful to God.
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
Thousand times I say thank you Daddy;
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
I always will be proud of you.
I remember that child I was
You were telling me so many times:
You were raising me so that I can live
Myself a good life without you.
Today when it comes to my mind
To consider what I have become,
Daddy, I do owe you all my gratitude;
I can say God chose you for me,
My father in all situations.
For all I thank you.
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
Thousand times I say thank you Daddy;
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
I always will be so grateful to God.
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
Thousand times I say thank you Daddy;
For yesterday, today and tomorrow
I always will be proud of you.
Thank you, Daddy.
Thank you, Daddy.
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Written on 2011-11-16 by maurice-mondengo A beautiful evening of
Traditional hymns, Spirituals,
Contemporary, African Music,
Christmas carols sing-along
and stories
Friday, Dec 9th @ 7:30 pm @
Hamilton Mennonite Church
Exciting evening where the
concert will close by singing
Messiah's Hallelujah with
the audience!
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Hiroshima & Nagasaki on
this 65th anniversary and to
promise one thing: never,
never again anywhere.