Carus-Verlag is a music publishing house specializing in choral and sacred music, founded in 1972 in Stuttgart, Germany. The publisher is particularly recognized for its careful editions of ancient and modern sacred music, including major works by composers such as Bach, Mozart, and Haydn, as well as lesser-known works and new music.
Informations of Maurice Mondengo
Concert Event for you with Maurice & friends
Written on 2011-11-16 by maurice-mondengo A beautiful evening of
Traditional hymns, Spirituals,
Contemporary, African Music,
Christmas carols sing-along
and stories
Friday, Dec 9th @ 7:30 pm @
Hamilton Mennonite Church
Exciting evening where the
concert will close by singing
Messiah's Hallelujah with
the audience!
Bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Written on 2010-08-07 by maurice-mondengo A piece to reflect on
Hiroshima & Nagasaki on
this 65th anniversary and to
promise one thing: never,
never again anywhere.