• ISBN : 9790046254369

Regles De L’Interpretation Musicale A L’Epoque Baroque Version Francaise VEILHAN

Pédagogie Musicale

Autre FM
Éditeur : Leduc
Référence : AL 25436

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Description :

First published in 1977, Jean-Claude Veilhan (born in 1940) compiled the enlightening compilation The Rules of Musical Interpretation of the Baroque Era following exhaustive study of the musical period. As a prominent Recorder player himself, Veilhan performed much of the Baroque repertoire for the instrument, and therefore was well-acquainted with the genre. The Rules of Musical Interpretation of the Baroque Era encompasses all rules and styles of Baroque to inform performance and interpretation for every instrument. This Veilhan book is essential to the understanding of Baroquemusic.

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