• ISBN : 9780862094539

The Pianist’s Collection Book Fourteen Book 14


Éditeur : Kevin Mayhew
Référence : KM 3611100

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Nielsen: Allegro scherzoso
Schmitt: Andante from Sonatina
Mozart: Andante in Bb
Hauser: Berceuse
Granados: Dance of the rose
Beethoven: Ecossaise
Kirnberger: Elfin Dance
Hofmann: Gavotte
C.P.E. Bach: Gigue
Elgar: Idylle
Fibich: Lento
Schubert: Moment Musical #3
Gurlitt: Pastorale
Kuhnau: Prelude
Rebikov: Rocking
Karganov: Scherzino
Jensen: The mill
MacDowell: To a humming bird
Schumann: Waltz

Description :

Beautiful Music From Across The Centuries

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