ISBN 9781491152768. UPC: 680160910267.
As the title implies, this piece is written in a contemplative manner for beginning students. It is a good piece to demonstrate basic compositional techniques that the students will be able identify easily in the piece. It begins with a lush opening section with an elegant melody to work on musicianship. This is contrasted by the uptempo section of the piece based on the same basic musical material, but in a varied style and frolicking feel. A very satisfying piece for beginning wind players.Contemplation: the action to look thoughtfully at something for a long time.When composing music that will be used with younger students, I want to stimulate thoughtfulness in them. In this particular piece I want the students to be able to stretch their musicianship beyond their experience on their instruments to play in a contemplative manner. To me, this is the essence of musical playing in an emotional and thoughtful way. It is something that cannot be stressed enough, even in students that have just begun to play. As soon as possible, they should be asked to put themselves into the music and make it more than the notes and rhythms on the page.This piece is my attempt to provide very young students, who are just beginning their musical journey, with something they can reach technically, but have to stretch for musically. The amount of notes and rhythms is limited, but students should strive for beauty of tone, good phrasing and emotional involvement.After a short introduction, the heartfelt main theme begins at a lyrical and slow tempo. This is developed with the addition of a secondary theme, featuring the lower voices, before the piece leads to an Allegro section that is based on the same musical material with a difference in tempo and a variation in rhythm patterns. The piece can serve to show students that the same basic music can have an entirely different emotional connection with differences in tempo, rhythm and style, with the first section of the piece being sentimental and the faster section being more joyous in nature. As with all of my pieces for younger students, it is completely acceptable to me for you to adjust the tempo to fit the educational needs of your students.It has been my pleasure to have the opportunity to write this piece. I hope you and your students enjoy it and find it useful for your program.—Larry ClarkLakeland, FL 2018.
ISBN 9781491152089. UPC: 680160909582.
As the title implies, this piece is written in a contemplative manner for beginning students. It is a good piece to demonstrate basic compositional techniques that the students will be able identify easily in the piece. It begins with a lush opening section with an elegant melody to work on musicianship. This is contrasted by the up tempo section of the piece based on the same basic musical material, but in a varied style and frolicking feel. A very satisfying piece for beginning wind players.Contemplation: the action to look thoughtfully at something for a long time.When composing music that will be used with younger students, I want to stimulate thoughtfulness in them. In this particular piece I want the students to be able to stretch their musicianship beyond their experience on their instruments to play in a contemplative manner. To me, this is the essence of musical playing in an emotional and thoughtful way. It is something that cannot be stressed enough, even in students that have just begun to play. As soon as possible, they should be asked to put themselves into the music and make it more than the notes and rhythms on the page.This piece is my attempt to provide very young students, who are just beginning their musical journey, with something they can reach technically, but have to stretch for musically. The amount of notes and rhythms is limited, but students should strive for beauty of tone, good phrasing and emotional involvement.After a short introduction, the heartfelt main theme begins at a lyrical and slow tempo. This is developed with the addition of a secondary theme, featuring the lower voices, before the piece leads to an Allegro section that is based on the same musical material with a difference in tempo and a variation in rhythm patterns. The piece can serve to show students that the same basic music can have an entirely different emotional connection with differences in tempo, rhythm and style, with the first section of the piece being sentimental and the faster section being more joyous in nature. As with all of my pieces for younger students, it is completely acceptable to me for you to adjust the tempo to fit the educational needs of your students.It has been my pleasure to have the opportunity to write this piece. I hope you and your students enjoy it and find it useful for your program.—Larry ClarkLakeland, FL 2018.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084239-216
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The famous monolith Ayers Rock (also called Uluru) is the only true attraction in the Northern Territory of Australia. This colossal red rock lies in the middle of a desert plain. At dusk, a beautiful spectacle develops as the setting sun envelops the rock in rose-red hues. There are tourists who climb the rock, while this is a taboo according to the indigenous religion of the Aboriginals. Besides, the climb is very strenuous. A walk around the rock is also an unforgettable experience.During a journey through Australia, Henk Hogestein was inspired by this rock; he composed this robust rock number to cherish the memory of it.De beroemde monoliet Ayers Rock (ook wel Uluru genoemd) is de enige echte trekpleister in het Noordelijk Territorium van Australië. Deze kolossale rode rots ligt midden in een woestijnvlakte. Bij het vallen van de avond ontvouwt zicheen prachtig schouwspel als de ondergaande zon het geheel in rozerode tinten hult. Henk Hogestein werd tijdens een reis door Australië ge nspireerd door deze rots, hij componeerde dit stevige rocknummer ter herinnering.Ayers Rock ist wohl die größte Attraktion im Norden Australiens. Der riesige rote Felsbrocken ragt mitten in der Wüste auf und bietet zu Sonnenauf- und Untergang ein großartiges Schauspiel. Touristen nutzen den Berg gerne zum Klettern, für die Aborigines, die Ureinwohner Australiens ist er jedoch ein heiliger Ort und damit tabu. Henk Hogestein setzte seine persönlichen Eindrücke von diesem besonderen Ort in diese rockige Nummer für zehnstimmige variable Besetzung und Schlagzeug um.Montagne sacrée pour les Aborigènes qui le nomment Uluru, Ayers Rock est un rocher solitaire situé au centre de l’Australie dans le Territoire du Nord. Depuis des millénaires, les Aborigènes Anangu le décorent de gravures et peintures rupestres. Au lever ou au coucher du soleil, Uluru offre des sublimes dégradés de rouge et d'oranger. Henk Hogestein nous livre ses impressions et ses sentiments sur ce site grandiose travers cette pièce fluide et colorée.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084239-015
The famous monolith Ayers Rock (also called Uluru) is the only true attraction in the Northern Territory of Australia. This colossal red rock lies in the middle of a desert plain. At dusk, a beautiful spectacle develops as the setting sun envelops the rock in rose-red hues. There are tourists who climb the rock, while this is a taboo according to the indigenous religion of the Aboriginals. Besides, the climb is very strenuous. A walk around the rock is also an unforgettable experience.During a journey through Australia, Henk Hogestein was inspired by this rock; he composed this robust rock number to cherish the memory of it.De beroemde monoliet Ayers Rock (ook wel Uluru genoemd) is de enige echte trekpleister in het Noordelijk Territorium van Australië. Deze kolossale rode rots ligt midden in een woestijnvlakte. Bij het vallen van de avond ontvouwt zicheen prachtig schouwspel als de ondergaande zon het geheel in rozerode tinten hult. Henk Hogestein werd tijdens een reis door Australië ge nspireerd door deze rots, hij componeerde dit stevige rocknummer ter herinnering.Ayers Rock ist wohl die größte Attraktion im Norden Australiens. Der riesige rote Felsbrocken ragt mitten in der Wüste auf und bietet zu Sonnenauf- und Untergang ein großartiges Schauspiel. Touristen nutzen den Berg gerne zum Klettern, für die Aborigines, die Ureinwohner Australiens ist er jedoch ein heiliger Ort und damit tabu. Henk Hogestein setzte seine persönlichen Eindrücke von diesem besonderen Ort in diese rockige Nummer für zehnstimmige variable Besetzung und Schlagzeug um.Montagne sacrée pour les Aborigènes qui le nomment Uluru, Ayers Rock est un rocher solitaire situé au centre de l’Australie dans le Territoire du Nord. Depuis des millénaires, les Aborigènes Anangu le décorent de gravures et peintures rupestres. Au lever ou au coucher du soleil, Uluru offre des sublimes dégradés de rouge et d'oranger. Henk Hogestein nous livre ses impressions et ses sentiments sur ce site grandiose travers cette pièce 10 voix pour ensemble instrumentation variable et percussion.
Like the paintings that inspired it, this selection weaves together different sounds and sentiments to produce a rich, evocative tapestry of impressions. The two movements are based on Edward Hopper's Nighthawks and Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Speech. From the meditative and serene to the epic and grand, it's guaranteed to take you on an unforgettable journey.